Lelouch Lamperouge

Age: 17-18
Gender: Male   

Nationality: Britannian
Height: 178 - 183 cm
Relatives: Nunnally Lamperouge
Allegiance: Order of the Black Knights
Position: Order of the Black Knights Leader
Knightmare Frame: Burai, Gawain, Shinkiro, Sutherland

Lelouch is a student of Ashford Academy high school, where he is a member of its student council. A brilliant thinker who is quite talented at chess, he lives with his younger sister, Nunnally, with their maid, Sayoko Shinozaki, at a house situated within the compounds of Ashford Academy, where they are looked after by the Ashford family. Lelouch is soon swept into the conflict between the Britannia Empire and the pockets of resistance which oppose it when he accidentally boards a truck being used by Japanese resistance operatives. Within the truck is a capsule holding C.C., who sacrifices herself to save him from the military forces trying to recapture her. When it seems as if her sacrifice was pointless, C.C. suddenly touches his hand and offers him the "Power of the King", the mythical power of Geass. The Geass manifests itself in him as the power of absolute obedience, which allows him to make people obey his orders without question. With his new power, Lelouch begins his rebellion against the Empire, forming the Order of the Black Knights and takes up the identity of Zero to lead them, becoming a revolutionary and gaining popular support amongst the people.

Lelouch is the son of the Emperor of Britannia, Charles zi Britannia, and the late Imperial Consort Marianne vi Britannia, making Lelouch the eleventh prince of the Britannian Imperial Family.

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