L Lawliet

Age: 24-25
Gender: Male   

Height: 179 cm (5'10")

L Lawliet is a world-renowned detective who takes on the challenge of catching Kira. In his investigation, L becomes suspicious of Light Yagami and makes it his goal to prove that Light is Kira. L is very secretive and only communicates with the world through his assistant, Watari. He never shows his face to the world in person, instead, representing himself with a capital letter L.

L is highly intelligent, though his disheveled and languid appearance masks his great powers of deduction, and many question his abilities upon viewing him. L tends to second-guess everything he is presented with and is extremely meticulous and analytical. He is good at deceiving his opponents and is willing to take drastic measures to solve a case. He is also shown to have a dry sense of humor, and he isn't above making sarcastic remarks to people. Although he tends to be polite to some, L can seem condescending at times.

L has several quirks, such as preferring to crouch rather than sit, eating only sweet foods, and holding items by using only a thumb and a finger. He is often seen arranging objects and very intently stacking, or in other ways playing with, his staple food items. L is almost always encountered while performing actions that are considered inappropriate or rude in public. These actions/habits include biting fingernails, placing feet on furniture, slouching, chewing with an open mouth, talking with his mouth full, and calling out personal observations that may offend others.

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