Bal na dworcu w Koluszkach (1990)
Character: Baranowski
Podczas "zimy stulecia" na dworcu w Koluszkach zniecierpliwieni pasażerowie oczekują na przybycie pociągu. Łączność kolejowa zostaje zerwana. W tym samym czasie niedaleko Koluszek w zaspach śnieżnych utknął pociąg. W jego wagonach panuje wesoła atmosfera. Niektórzy pasażerowie, którym śpieszy się na połączenie z innymi stacjami, wysiadają i idą piechotą do dworca w Koluszkach. Jest wśród nich Andrzej Roszak - młody chłopak śpieszący do Warszawy, oraz prawdopodobnie jego rówieśnica Basia. Niedługo po nich do dworca w Koluszkach docierają pan Walerek - działacz polityczny, który jechał na bal do KC; pan Rozbicki z żoną, tuż po kontrakcie w Iraku; Matyjak - gwiazdor telewizyjny; dziennikarz Przoniak oraz inni. Na wyludnionym dworcu pasażerowie sprawnie organizują sylwestrową zabawę. Podczas wspólnej hulanki jej uczestnicy stopniowo obnażają ukryte kompleksy, frustracje i nadzieje.
Nebo, peklo... zem (2009)
Character: Rudolf
An injury and a surprise turn in her relationship bring a young dancer's life down around her.
Księga wielkich życzeń (1998)
Character: Doctor
Following a fire at an orphanage, the kids are moved into a seniors' home. A young girl tries to befriend and cheer up an elderly man who is full of regrets at the end of his life.
Dzieci śmieci (1989)
Character: Witek's father
Witek dreams about going to Great Britain. To afford a ticket he starts to sell old newspapers.
Pantarej (1988)
Character: Psycholog Godecki
Wanting to get drugs, Pantarej and Zito decide to break into the hospital.
To my (2000)
Character: Mayor Zdrojewski
A young man, to ensure that he will pass the high school maturity test convinces his girlfriend to help him steal the answer sheets.
Klatka (1986)
Character: N/A
A young man, attacked by thugs, seeks shelter in a random apartment block.
Sceny nocne (1990)
Character: Horodyski
Warsaw elites meet at a ball in Baron Neman's palace, where they discuss the political situation in Poland.
Dublerzy (2006)
Character: Don Luciano Gambini
A couple of friends, Max and Leo spend some time in Sicily, the island that is associated with mafia. Strange events on one wedding of a mafioso's daughter near the city of Trapani, bring them back to Warsaw. Yet, the criminal leaders, particularly Don Antonio Gambini, are also in Poland where they have a job to do. Unintentionally, Max and Leo are brought into a plot.
Idealny facet dla mojej dziewczyny (2009)
Character: Father Leon
When Kostek gets in the wrong taxicab and sees Luna, it is love at first sight. But Luna already has a girlfriend named Klara Rojek and is a lesbian so Kostek has more than a few things that are in his way of ever being with her. Kostek does whatever it takes to talk to Luna and tries to get her attention, including trying out for a porn movie Klara's feminist group is making. After some lengthily casting, Klara concludes that Kostek is the ideal guy for Luna to star in the film with.
Piotr Michałowski (1989)
Character: Piotr Michałowski
A dramatized retelling of the life of the Romanticism painter Piotr Michałowski.
Powrót do Polski (1988)
Character: Major Stanisław Taczak
Ignacy Jan Paderewski returns to Poland. A journalist who is supposed to describe his arrival is called to the editorial office.
365 dni (2020)
Character: Mario
A woman falls victim to a dominant mafia boss, who imprisons her and gives her one year to fall in love with him.
Tato (1995)
Character: Ewa's Lawyer
Daddy is the story of a divorced father fighting for the right to raise his 7-year-old daughter. When his marriage falls apart, he decides to kidnap his daughter rather than let the court award custody to his mentally ill wife, whom he deems unfit to raise their child. But as he quickly finds out, it's easier to be a real man than it is to be a real father.
Vabank II, czyli riposta (1985)
Character: Edward Sztyc
A sequel to "Vabank" (1981), introduces the same characters entangled in a duel between a former safecracker and a crooked bank manager.
Kingsajz (1988)
Character: Pycio, krasnal Kilkujadka
The story follows a young scientist in the contemporary world, who actually came from the world of dwarves, thanks to a magic potion, held by the Big Eater, ruler of the dwarves. The dwarf kingdom, Shuflandia, exists in a cellar of a library, and only the most obedient get the chance to grow to king size and inhabit the larger world. Once there, nobody wants to return to Shuflandia. Also, there are no women in Shuflandia.
Ga, Ga. Chwała Bohaterom (1986)
Character: Prison guard
Scope is a prisoner on a behemoth space station and is chosen, like all his fellow prisoners, to 'volunteer' for the exploration of far-away planets. Landing on planet Australia 458, he is given a hero's welcome with all the sex, booze, and violence that any one man can stomach. But as his new caretakers push him towards even more heinous and deplorable acts, Scope finds that his freedom comes with a high price; his own violent demise, broadcast live for the viewing pleasure of Australia 458's inhabitants.
Rewers (2009)
Character: Barski
A story about women, set in the present and in 1950s Warsaw. Sabina, a quiet, shy woman who has just turned thirty lacks a man in her life. Her mother knows all about it and tries at all costs to find her daughter a good candidate for a husband. The whole situation is controlled by the grandmother, an eccentric lady with a sharp tongue from whom no secrets can be kept.
Zabić na końcu (1990)
Character: Wojaczek
Two workers, bored with their current situation, decide to rob a famous movie director.
Wiedźmin (2001)
Character: Czarodziej Istredd
A heroic fantasy based on the famous novels by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski, "The Sword of Destiny" and "The Last Wish". This film immerses us in a world inhabited by kings and knights, princesses and sorcerers, priests and magicians, where fire-breathing dragons guard untold treasures, and human greed leads to an endless struggle for power, cruelty, bloodshed, and violence. And this world has its own superheroes - fearless witchers, people with magical powers. Their mission is to protect the human race from any misfortune. The witcher Geralt of Rivia must find the young princess Ciri, kidnapped by enemies. Only her return to the small kingdom of Cintra, which was attacked by aggressors, can restore peace and order there. The brave witcher sets off on a journey, long, distant and deadly.
Tańczący jastrząb (1978)
Character: [obsada aktorska]
"The Dancing Hawk" refers to the son of a peasant who senses he can climb to the job in troubled times by playing his cards right. His slavery to work match his ambitions, and gradually he reaches the social position he desires. But the costs have included a dehumanized soul and a loss of a moral conscience. People have had to pay for his advancement, including those nearest to him. The downfall is equally painful: either imprisonment or the easy wasy out are offered as the alternatives.
Zołza (2022)
Character: Lucjan Sałata, ojciec Anny
A producer celebrated for the idealized families she depicts on screen must make some changes when she realizes her personal life is in total disarray.
Cudowne lato (2010)
Character: Gadowski, ojciec Konrada
Kitka was just a little girl when she lost her mother. Now, in her late teens, she makes her first life choices. Her grandfather, her father and even her late mother are determined to help the adolescent girl. However, suffering from the family trauma and in constant conflict with each other, they themselves seem to need help. They do not make it any easier for Kitka so the girl decides to take matters into her own hands. She embarks on a series of funny adventures, meets a number of strange characters and experiences first romantic entanglements. Eventually, everything ends wonderfully well, and the literal sense of the word wonder is not to be forgotten in this context.
Gorzko, gorzko! (2023)
Character: Priest
Convinced he can charm any woman, a tenacious flirt sets his sights on a headstrong bride-to-be engaged to the son of an ambitious politician.
Ciało (2003)
Character: Marian Tuleja / Piotr West
One day a commuter, who happens to be a burglar, finds a dead body on a train. As he was just returning from a burglary and not wanting to draw attention to himself, he decides to get rid of the corpse himself. Little does he know that the body is about to embark on one hell of a journey...
Stary człowiek i pies (2008)
Character: movie producer
The film presents the story of Robert - an aging, once-recognized artist who is today struggling with his own complexes and vices, and helplessness towards a new reality that ruthlessly throws him to the margins of existence. One day Robert finds himself in a roadside ditch hit by a dog's car. In a reflex of spontaneous compassion, he takes the dog home and begins to look after him.