The Tout's Remembrance (1910)
Character: N/A
"Bullets" Brown, the hero of our story, is a rare track tout, and a true type or this particular parasite.
The Sealed Package (1914)
Character: Brian Godfrey
Brian Godfrey and Arnold Lambert are clerks in the diamond broker's office, both interested in Mildred St. Pierre, the daughter of an old employee. For a while she is impartial but Arnold is too impetuous in his addresses and she repulses him. Gilbert Howell, a traveling salesman of the firm, puts into the vault a sealed package containing valuable private papers. On the same day is placed in the vault, a number of fine uncut stones in a similar package. When Howard starts on his usual tour, he takes from the vault what he thinks are his papers. That same evening, old St. Pierre, recalling the fact of leaving some very important papers on his desk is worried and decides to make sure by going back to the office alone to place them in the vault.
The Two Natures Within Him (1915)
Character: The Thief
The Rev. William Morris is the director of a small church near a state penitentiary. He is convinced that a criminal is only a good man gone wrong. Dr. Bishop, a friend of the minister, has made a life-long study of this very subject. The doctor has a daughter whom the minister loves and to whom he is engaged.
Curing a Masher (1910)
Character: N/A
Mr. Pest is a certain type of nuisance with whom you are all more or less familiar. A silly egotist with an exaggerated notion of his own importance, be believes that every woman he meets will fall an easy victim to his charms.
The Guardian's Dilemma (1915)
Character: Prof. Jaquin Delano
Prof. Jaquin Delano joins a circus to study practical zoology. Old man Cummings is the guardian of Anita, a beautiful girl. Cummings rages because the circus tents are pitched too near his palatial home. Anita visits the menagerie tent, sees Jaquin and is impressed with his kind treatment of the wild beasts.
Broncho Billy's Redemption (1910)
Character: N/A
A wanted cattle thief risks imprisonment when he tries to help a sick rancher and his daughter. He takes the man into town to see a doctor, and he is recognized and arrested.
The Ranch Girl's Legacy (1910)
Character: N/A
Jack Tyler, a handsome young Boston youth, receives a letter from his attorneys, Post & Post, that his uncle, a Western ranchman, has died and that he is one of the heirs of the $1,000,000, left by his uncle. This part of it is very good but the condition prescribed in the will is not so agreeable, because the whimsical old uncle has stipulated that he is to receive his portion of the inheritance, providing he marry his uncle's niece.
The Mistaken Bandit (1910)
Character: N/A
Jim Thaw runs an isolated general store in California. He occupies a position as agent for the Great Eastern Express Company, which in the west is a day job. One day the stage drives up and deposits a money box with Thaw with instructions from the general manager of the Great Eastern that it is to be held with him over night, adding that he must keep a careful watch as it is reported that Buck Brady, an outlaw, has been seen skulking in the vicinity of Thaw's store.
The Bad Man and the Preacher (1910)
Character: N/A
"Snake" Williams, typical bad man, and a little group of cowboys are found loitering lazily about the Snakeville, Ariz. barroom, when the noon-day stage coach out of Phoenix rumbles around pike and deposits one lone passenger. Interest is immediately aroused and as the stage coach pulls out, Snake, the constant bully, sidles up to the newly arrived stranger to inquire the latter's business, explaining at the same time that although the town has no mayor or reception committee, he will be pleased to do the honors.
The Cowpuncher's Ward (1910)
Character: N/A
'Red' Bowman is a worthless renegade, an alleged rustler, to whom fate has been unduly kind to allow him to escape so long the honest judgment and double earned punishment. His daughter, a curly-headed ragged little sunbeam, keeps house for him as best she can, accepting with model fortitude her brutal father's blows and lashings. When he beats her too mercilessly she runs away, if she can, to hide until his anger cools. One day he is interrupted in his amusement of "lickin' the kid" by a group of stern, determined cowboys, who threaten to lynch him if he dares whip the little girl again. 'Red' slinks away and postpones the lashing for another time. That night, he and a pal, another black-hearted scoundrel, make a raid on a bunch of cattle, but are caught in the act.
The Little Doctor of the Foothills (1910)
Character: N/A
A humorous picture, depicting the experience of a pretty little woman doctor who goes to Arizona to practice her profession and whose presence so works upon the cowboys that they all require her aid almost instantly.
Away Out West (1910)
Character: First Prospector
Herbert Mills, a young chap from the east, with his partner, Walter Daniels, an experienced miner, are about to set out on a prospecting trip through the mountains.
The Unknown Claim (1910)
Character: Walker
Reuben Ellis and his daughter, Belle, are in hard financial straits. Burdened with debts and pressed by persistent creditors, the old man finds but one way to meet his obligations, and that is mortgaging the ranch. Belle tries to console him, but agrees that they must borrow money. Ellis rides into town and applies to a money-lender for a sum sufficient to meet his debts. Walker, the loan agent, agrees to ride out to the ranch and look it over, but after he has viewed the ramshackle buildings and pitiful collection of household furniture he shakes his head and says the place is not worth a cent.
The Desperado (1910)
Character: N/A
"Black Bart," a western bad man, is much wanted by the county sheriff and a proclamation to this effect, offering a reward of $5,000 for the bad man's capture, has been posted.
Under Western Skies (1910)
Character: An Old Sweetheart
The girl gives herself to one of the men to escape a worse fate, though she separates from another lover to do it. Later she discovers in a dramatic way that her lover was a poltroon and turns to her husband for protection.
The Deputy's Love (1910)
Character: Walt
Bob Dean, the deputy sheriff of Tonopah County, has fallen in love with Nance O'Brien, a bewitching little western maid, whose brother, as he supposes, works a claim on a neighboring hillside.
The Pony Express Rider (1910)
Character: N/A
"Pony" O'Brien, or Number 3 of the relay between two desert-bound western cities, draws his horse before his sweetheart's house and lingers somewhat longer with his packet of mail as he tells her the good news of a raise in salary which means they will soon be ready to marry.
The Silent Message (1910)
Character: N/A
Jeff Bandera, outlaw, has been capture by the sheriff, who is taking him by rail to the nearest lockup. Jeff is desperate and when the train slows down to a curve he makes a leap through the window and, despite his handcuffs, escapes serious injury. Before the sheriff can leave the train and pursue him Jeff has taken refuge in the gulches of the rough country
A Westerner's Way (1910)
Character: N/A
Jason Watkins, a real estate and loan agent, enters his office in the little Arizona town of Navajo, to find that during the night robbers have visited the place and broken into his safe, taking with them a large sum of money and other valuables. Watkins immediately notifies the sheriff, a posse is hurriedly organized and a search made for the culprits.
A Cowboy's Vindication (1910)
Character: Will Morrison
A shot during a struggle, and Frank Morrison is branded with the mark of Cain, but by his own efforts the real murderer is discovered.
A Gambler of the West (1910)
Character: Albert Thomas - Alice's Father
The story is of an old man and his daughter, he so addicted to gambling that they are penniless. Because of her beauty and her pleadings the gambler gives back the money the old man has lost and thenceforth refuses to allow him to play in his place. Later he assists in preventing the old man from gambling elsewhere.
The Mexican's Faith (1910)
Character: The Rancher's Daughter's Sweetheart
Tony Perez, a Mexican cowpuncher, is driven from the ranch where he is employed for some misdemeanor or other, and after vainly endeavoring to find work, tries the gate of Dan Farman's ranch, "The Mosquito," and applies for a job. His hard luck story rings true and old Dan, who is of a charitable turn, puts the Mexican to work.
The Open Track (1916)
Character: 1st Counterfeiter
"The Open Track" is a short action film from the action series of short films "The Hazards of Helen". This is episode 63 from a total of 119 weekly one reel films produced by Kalem. Helen's cleverness exposes a band of counterfeiters who later succeed in turning the tables on the railroad detectives and tying the two men to the cowcatcher of a train which they then start off down the grade. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2010.
The Wrong Train Order (1915)
Character: Torney - Agent
In this episode everything goes wrong. Helen ends up on the rear observation deck of a runaway express train with the door to the inside closed, with the air-brake of the engine damaged, the engine itself full of steam and inaccessible, and the train speeding ahead on the wrong track.
The Rescue of the Brakeman's Children (1915)
Character: Coleman
Discharged for drinking, Coleman attempts to get even by releasing the brakes on an empty boxcar, to which is coupled a flatcar, allowing them to run wild down the main line on which he knows the president's special is coming. Coleman does not know that his children, Helen and Paul, are playing on the flat car.
Danger Ahead! (1915)
Character: 'Lump' Sterling - Crook
Sterling and Ella steal a jewelry salesman's sample bag and make their getaway by boarding a passenger train. Word is flashed ahead to Helen, who in turn notifies Bowring, a railroad detective. The train is flagged.
The Girl and the Special (1915)
Character: Kid Burgess - Thief
Disguised as baggage man, Burgess and Whelan board the train to which is coupled the special carrying Nina Mallotte and her theatrical troupe. The thieves plan to steal the actress' gems.
The Girl on the Bridge (1915)
Character: King - one of Daly's Gang
Communicating with his pals outside, Daly informs them as to the date upon which he is to be taken from the jail to State's prison. Kling, the head of the gang, arranges to hold up the train carrying Daly and effect the man's rescue.
The Tramp Telegrapher (1915)
Character: Pete Dunn - Yeggman
Beaten by Dun and Corson, Trent is hurled unconscious to the tracks. Helen, who witnesses the attack, drags Trent from the rails just in time to save him from death beneath the wheels of an oncoming train. When the tramp revives, he accompanies his rescuer back to the station.
Crossed Wires (1915)
Character: Joe Adams - Bill's Pal
Crossed telephone wires enable Helen to overhear a plot between Joe and Bill, escaped convicts, to join a number of Chinese who are being smuggled into the country in a freight train.
A Boy at the Throttle (1915)
Character: Odell - Engineer
Climbing into a cab of a freight engine, Bobbie Layson, the son of a station pulls the throttle open. The alarm goes out and Helen, stationed at Lone Point, is ordered to derail the runaway and thus prevent it from running head-on into the approaching passenger train. Fearing for his son's life, Layson phones Helen
At the Risk of Her Life (1916)
Character: Tony - the Half-Breed
Tony, a half-breed Mexican is kicked from pillar to post, but he grasps a chance for revenge on society when he peers through the station window and sees Helen, the operator at Lone Point, opening the express company bag containing a valuable shipment to a local rancher.
Tapped Wires (1916)
Character: N/A
After binding Helen to prevent her from stopping the express train to have it await an armed guard, crooks board the train, disable the messenger and dynamite the safe. Helen later takes a short cut in an auto and overtakes the train, but the crooks leap from the speeding train into her car before she can warn the engineer and train crew.
The Broken Wire (1916)
Character: 2nd Crook
When the Limited is forced to stop because of an obstruction on the tracks, the passengers alight for a stroll. In the excitement of boarding again one of the passengers loses a handbag containing her jewels and money. Two crooks aboard the train hear of this and at Helen's station they alight.
The Peril of the Rails (1916)
Character: Leader of the Crooks
Apparent carelessness causes Conductor Lawton and his train crew to be laid off for thirty days. A gang of car thieves, pursued by police, jump aboard a freight, and after a stiff combat, succeed in throwing the crew off the speeding train to the ground.
The Perilous Swing (1916)
Character: Red Purdy
Helen is enjoying a ride on her horse, "Hazard," after her day's work, when news comes that "Red" Purdy and his aides are escaping after making a big haul. When the automobile in which they are escaping breaks down they take to a handcar. Helen pursues them down the track while the Sheriff and his posse set out to head them off on a short cut.
The Girl Who Dared (1916)
Character: The Smuggler
The smugglers seem in a fair way to escape on a stolen engine when Helen, unhitching a team from a nearby wagon, races down the road towards the railroad bridge from which a rope is hanging directly over the track. Standing astride the two speeding horses Helen leaps to the rope, and swaying in mid-air makes a perilous drop to the stolen engine as it dashes past.
Method in His Madness (1910)
Character: First Pedestrian / Second Bartender (as Frank Hall)
A doddering old gentleman, out for his morning's constitutional, suffers an attack of epilepsy in front of a saloon in the country town. Pedestrians run to his rescue and the barkeeper of the saloon brings out a good jolt of whiskey to revive the stricken one. A tramp who has noted the accident, has also mentally noted the glass of whiskey, and being thirsty for a drink himself, he turns away, a brilliant scheme revolving in his mind. A few minutes later the tramp in passing another saloon is seen to fall and go into violent contortions. A crowd gathers and the saloonkeeper comes out with the dose of whiskey. "Weary" is delighted, and meeting an old tramp friend of his, puts him wise to the little game.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1913)
Character: Parson Clare
A peasant girl sent to make a claim on her family's ancestral home in England's Wessex is seduced and left with child by its current owner.
The Adventures of Kathlyn (1913)
Character: Gundah Singh
The serial detailed the experiences of Kathlyn Hare, the pretty daughter of an explorer. Kathlyn resided in a mythical India, fighting off unwanted advances from a handsome native, Umballah, when not battling an endless array of ferocious jungle fauna.
Three Bags of Silver (1914)
Character: Gundah Singh
The chance-shot fired by the villainous but keen-sighted Umballah, makes a bone-bruise upon the fair arm of Kathlyn.