Délibábok országa (1983)
Character: N/A
Officer Karikas from Petersburg should be in Saratov with her servant,in the way he played cards and losing much,even to stuck in the hotel.Local officials took him for anticipated auditor.With this error starting a chain of events.
Fábián Bálint találkozása Istennel (1980)
Character: Balla Károly unokája
1918. Fábián Bálint is forced to kill humans on the Italian front. At home his sons drown the priest, the lover of their mother, in the river Kraszna. Mrs. Fábián turns insane. Following his arrival home Bálint becomes the liveried coachman of the baron.
Vasárnapi szülők (1979)
Character: Juli sógora
The characters of this fiction of sociogra-phic accuracy live in the reformatory school for girls in Rákospalota. They are all girls of similar pasts, desires and needs but Juli hates bars more than any of them, trying to make contacts with the world out there in order to leave the school behind forever.
Csutak és a szürke ló (1961)
Character: N/A
Csutak is just a pain in the neck, the little boy is even excluded from play by his mates. Vacation is spent lonely until one day he sneaks the woman haulier's old, shabby horse, a creature that would be better off in a slaughterhouse, out with himself. Possessing the animal is the key to the children's gang. They all try to find a place for the horse.
Lutra (1986)
Character: János
Miklós, a professional hunter, is teased by his friends and local fishermen. The cunning otter Lutra keeps slipping out of his hands. One morning he vows not to marry until he finally gets the giant water mammal in front of his rifle.
Szirmok, virágok, koszorúk (1985)
Character: Rendõrparancsnok
The seeming hopelessness of combatting an all-powerful government that will not tolerate political dissension is the focus of this excellent historical drama set in the mid-19th century in Hungary. In the opening scenes, Hungary has just lost its bid for independence from Austria and a Magyar officer, unable to bear the tragedy of defeat and what it means, says an affectionate good-bye to his beloved horse and then shoots the animal and himself. Two years later, Ferenc (Gyorgy Cserhalmi) is trying to eke out a living for his wife and her family -- and at the same time avoid any hint of sympathy for Hungarian independence because the Secret Police are everywhere. Just as life seems to be going well, Ferenc's former commanding officer (Lajos Oze) arrives and begins discussing revolution again -- a futile pursuit at this point in time. The next day, Ferenc is thrown into an insane asylum and everyone else is arrested as well.
Rosszemberek (1979)
Character: N/A
The second in command of a group of highwaymen, the only ones left of Hungary's freedom fighters in the late 17th century, has a wife who really, really wants him to come home and stop gallivanting around the countryside. The only way he can figure to do this is to inform on the group to the authorities in as harmless a manner as possible. Unfortunately, these betrayals cause the group to lose many men, and the traitor grows fearful of the authorities. He gives officials every scrap of information he has in return for a full pardon, and he returns home. His wife, when she hears of these events, is infuriated. Such betrayal is far in excess of anything she can condone, and she kills him. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi
Angi Vera (1978)
Character: N/A
Angi Vera, as a promising young woman, gets invited to a Communist training center to undergo the next level of indoctrination into Party life. She begins to realize how people get ahead in the Party: by saying things they don't mean but think are politically correct; by becoming friends with Party dignitaries, even if you don't like them; by being seen as a dedicated worker (as opposed to actually being a dedicated worker).
Üvegvár a Mississippin (1987)
Character: N/A
From the stars of "The Good Place" to a pair of "Pretty Little Liars," check out our gallery of celebrity besties.
A világ legrosszabb gyereke (1985)
Character: Toldi Miklós
A funny comedy about a young boy who lives with the very busy parents and got all the chances to become a worst child in the world.
Brady’s Escape (1983)
Character: Swede
This movie is about the love and protection of a man from another culture for the lowly horsemen of the the plains in Hungary during World War II.
Az ember tragédiája (2011)
Character: Lucifer
Jankovics's adaptation of the eponymous play is divided into multiple parts, and depicts the creation and fall of Man throughout history.
Circus Maximus (1980)
Character: N/A
During World War II Carlotta, the circus owner maintains herself, her lover and her rather run-down circus-team by illegal man-smuggling. In the year of 1944, besides the usual refugees, she even has to take Professor Máté, the renown mathematician to the Yugoslavian partisans. The team is joined by Carlotta's psychotic son who has escaped from an asylum.
Stalin (1992)
Character: Yezhov
The life and career of the brutal Soviet dictator, Josef Stalin.
Cha-Cha-Cha (1982)
Character: Sztásni
Gruber is a normal 16-year-old growing up in Budapest in 1962, but he has a problem -- how does he get to know the opposite sex? At the Sunday afternoon dance classes the young "ladies and gentlemen" hold each other while dancing, and that makes the lessons worth something. Otherwise, the pianist's attention wanders and the orchestra does not exactly play with a single-minded dedication. In fact, everybody seems to have other things on their minds, except for the enthusiastic dance instructor and his ever-smiling assistant.
Macskafogó 2. - A sátán macskája (2007)
Character: Mióka (voice)
20 years after the events of the Cat Catcher, there is only one cat tribe left in Central Africa, who, after learning of what happened at the end of the first part, summon Moloch to help liberate the tamed cats and regain power over Earth.
Az erdő kapitánya (1988)
Character: Szarka Szaniszló, pitiáner bűnöző
This entertaining film highlights the importance of integrity, justice, and appreciation for the environment. The compassionate and wise Captain is the hero, who is trying to stop long-time troublemaker and master of disguise Zero the Cat as he plans his biggest coup ever. Helping the Captain along the way are the bright Constable Eleméri Ede and seasoned secret agent Góliát. The resourceful Gólíat succeeds in locating Zero's hiding place, where he overhears part of Zero's newest plan. Although unable to get all the details, Gólíat reports to the station and it becomes clear that stopping Zero will be quite a challenge.
Vili, a veréb (1989)
Character: Spagyi
Vili fakes illness so he doesn't have to take a math test. Instead, he starts shooting at sparrows from the window with an air rifle. The kindly old lady who feeds the birds turns out to be a real-life fairy who tries to turn Vili into a good boy.