Tsuruko Mano

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(115 years old)

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Also Known As

Tsuruko Mano




次郎長三国志 第八部 海道一の暴れん坊 次郎長三国志 第八部 海道一の暴れん坊 (1954) Character: N/A
A legendary gangster raises himself out of a small town and gathers followers on his rise to power.
南国の肌 南国の肌 (1952) Character: Shunpei's wife Miyo
When a group of young geologists declares a mountainside marked for residential development unstable, they are met with scorn on two fronts. On one end, they must contend with the local villagers who balk at the prospect of relocation; on the other, they face the ambitions of the headstrong lumber baron, whose actions will only further destabilize the land. Their pleas for reason ignored, the scientists can do little but observe as nature runs its inevitable course.
おえんさん おえんさん (1955) Character: Otatsu
An Ishiro Honda film.
結婚行進曲 結婚行進曲 (1951) Character: Cleaner
Melodrama by Kon Ichikawa
早乙女家の娘たち 早乙女家の娘たち (1962) Character: N/A
1962 Japanese movie
夫婦 夫婦 (1953) Character: N/A
A married couple looking for an apartment move in with the husband's co-worker, a widower. The husband becomes jealous of the widower and his wife.
嵐 嵐 (1956) Character: N/A
A widowed high-school teacher tries to raise his four children alone.
馬 馬 (1941) Character: Mrs. Sakuma
Ine Onoda, the eldest daughter of a poor family of farmers, raises a colt from birth and comes to love the horse dearly. When the horse is grown, the government orders it auctioned and sold to the army. Ine struggles to prevent the sale.
なつかしの顔 なつかしの顔 (1941) Character: N/A
A Fond Face from the Past is also set in a rural community, specifically a village outside Kameoka, near Kyoto. In some ways this short, thirty-six-minute film is Naruse's most moving negotiation of the militarist restrictions of the time, perhaps because it is also his most direct engagement with the culture of war. When a newsreel comes to Kameoka featuring a local man named Yoichi, it causes some excitement in the community and, of course, in Yoichi's own family. First of all his mother makes the newsreel (Nippon News, no. 14), which begins with the same marching music that opens his own film, followed by a curious baby judging context in Los Angeles featuring two hundred Japanese babies. Released in January 1941, almost a year before the pacific war begins, this “found footage” is indicative of Japanese imperialist ambitions beyond Asia long before Pearl Harbor.
秘剣 秘剣 (1963) Character: N/A
This Japanese action-adventure is set in the 17th century when all forms of swordplay were banned. One fighter, an excellent swordsman believes the law is unfair. His brother keeps his opinions about the law to himself. The swordsman vents his frustration by cutting off the thumbs of an enemy. The fighter is then banished. To live, he becomes a thief. To restore the family's lost honor, the other brother is forced to challenge the fighter to a duel.
ふんどし医者 ふんどし医者 (1960) Character: N/A
A skilled country doctor's talents are such that he can even perform operations as difficult and novel as removing a patient's kidney for the first time in Japan. Unfortunately for him, however, his wife's addiction to gambling is of such a magnitude that he is down to selling his underwear to make money. The image sticks and he becomes known as the 'underwear doctor.' On the other hand, his successful surgery's patient is so grateful he himself wants to become a physician.
Tsuriganesô Tsuriganesô (1940) Character: Housemaid
Following Flower Picking Diary (1939), Tamizo directed another film starring Hideko Takamine, based on a story by Nobuko Yoshiya. Takamine plays a poor young girl, trying to become a teacher on her quest to become independent to be able to look after her younger brother. But then tragedy strikes...
旅役者 旅役者 (1940) Character: N/A
This film depicts a troupe of wandering kabuki players traveling through rural Japan.
恋化粧 恋化粧 (1955) Character: (uncredited)
An Ishiro Honda film.
人生は六十一から 人生は六十一から (1941) Character: N/A
Japanese war-era film
ハモニカ小僧 ハモニカ小僧 (1940) Character: N/A
The only son of a sushi chef hates sushi and decides to leave home to search for a job and make his own way.
秀子の車掌さん 秀子の車掌さん (1941) Character: Okoma's mother
Okoma, a witty young woman working as a conductor in an old, rickety bus in Kōfu, Yamanashi (rural Japan), has a creative idea that could avert the dwindling number of passengers when her job and the bus company itself are at stake.
電送人間 電送人間 (1960) Character: N/A
Men are being murdered by a psycho called "The Telegian," who uses a matter-transmitting device to locate his victims.
春の目ざめ 春の目ざめ (1947) Character: Female Teacher A
Slice of life film centered on a couple of years in the life of a rural high school girl.
忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻 忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻 (1962) Character: N/A
After their lord is tricked into committing ritual suicide, forty-seven samurai warriors await the chance to avenge their master and reclaim their honor.
白い野獣 白い野獣 (1950) Character: N/A
The critical establishment was clearly not prepared to accept a woman's prison film featuring former prostitutes recovering from venereal diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and estranged lovers. With its cat fights, hysterical tantrums, film noir lighting, and dramatic music, White Beast is indicative of the new influences of the Hollywood psychological thriller on Naruse. Caged (John Cromwell, 1950) initiated a cycle of women's prison movies in the United States that may or may not have been shown in Japan, but the stylistics of White Beast draw on the same paranoid woman's films and film noir conventions that preceded the American cycle.
雪国 雪国 (1957) Character: N/A
It's a man's world. Shimamura, an artist, comes to this snowbound town to rejuvenate himself. He connects with Komako, a geisha he met on a previous trip, and it seems like love. She's the foster daughter of a local family, almost engaged to the family's son Yukio, now dying of consumption. He's tended by his sister Yuko who's angry at Komako for abandoning her brother. Shimamura returns to Tokyo but promises he will be back soon. In anticipation of his return, Komako breaks with her patron and her family loses their home. Complications arise when Shimamura doesn't come back as promised. Then Komako discovers that he and Yuko knew each other in Tokyo. Can Komako escape destiny?
ゴジラ ゴジラ (1954) Character: Mrs. Yamada
Japan is thrown into a panic after several ships are sunk near Odo Island. An expedition to the island led by Dr. Kyohei Yamane soon discover something far more devastating than imagined in the form of a 50 meter tall monster whom the natives call Gojira. Now the monster begins a rampage that threatens to destroy not only Japan, but the rest of the world as well.
Godzilla, King of the Monsters! Godzilla, King of the Monsters! (1956) Character: The Boy's Mother (uncredited)
During an assignment, foreign correspondent Steve Martin spends a layover in Tokyo and is caught amid the rampage of an unstoppable prehistoric monster the Japanese call 'Godzilla'. The only hope for both Japan and the world lies on a secret weapon, which may prove more destructive than the monster itself.
空の大怪獸 ラドン 空の大怪獸 ラドン (1956) Character: Osumi
Mining engineer Shigeru investigates the disappearance and death of his fellow coworkers when prehistoric nymphs are discovered emerging from the mines. After an attack on the local village, Shigeru heads deeper into the mines only to make a more horrifying discovery in the form a prehistoric flying creature. Soon a second monster appears as the two converge in Fukuoka.
下町 下町 (1957) Character: N/A
A woman struggles to raise her young son on her own in postwar Japan, finding companionship with a kind laborer while still hoping for the return of her missing husband.
指導物語 指導物語 (1941) Character: N/A
In this semi-documentary, an older locomotive driver is tasked with training younger ones and is currently training two in particular. The old man is finding the task overwhelming as it is hard work with practical lessons and classroom components. His wife has died, but he has three daughters with the oldest taking care of her younger siblings.
青い眞珠 青い眞珠 (1951) Character: N/A
The Blue Pearl depicts the interplay between a young man from Tokyo and two ama (pearl divers; literally “women of the sea”) in a superstitious coastal town. Though raised within the same tradition-bound crucible, the two women – Noe and Riu – are portrayed as diametric opposites; the former meek but affectionate, the latter strong-willed but jaded by a tryst with metropolitan life.
浮雲 浮雲 (1955) Character: N/A
A married Japanese forester during WWII is sent to Indochina to manage forests. He meets a young Japanese typist and promises to leave his wife. He doesn't and after the war, she turns up and the affair resumes.
石中先生行状記 石中先生行状記 (1950) Character: N/A
Three humorous love stories set in rural Japan.
こだまは呼んでいる こだまは呼んでいる (1959) Character: N/A
An Ishiro Honda film.
七人の侍 七人の侍 (1954) Character: Woman Farmer in front of Gono
A samurai answers a village's request for protection after he falls on hard times. The town needs protection from bandits, so the samurai gathers six others to help him teach the people how to defend themselves, and the villagers provide the soldiers with food.
山の音 山の音 (1954) Character: N/A
An ingratiating bride develops warm ties to her father-in-law while her cold husband blithely slights her for another woman.
妻 妻 (1953) Character: N/A
Ten years into a marriage, the wife is disappointed by the husband's lack of financial success, meaning she has to work and can't treat herself and the husband finds the wife slovenly and mean-spirited: she neither cooks not cleans particularly well and is generally disagreeable. In turn, he alternately ignores her and treats her as a servant. Neither is particularly happy, not helped by their unsatisfactory lodgers. The husband is easily seduced by an ex-colleague, a widow with a small child who needs some security, and considers leaving his wife.
晩菊 晩菊 (1954) Character: N/A
With delicate, unobtrusive strokes, Naruse evokes both the humor and bitterness of his characters’ dilemmas, in this bleak, compelling poignant portrait of a quartet of aging geishas contemplating their troubles with men and money.

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