Ryōsuke Kagawa

Personal Info

Known For


Known Credits







(128 years old)

Place of Birth

Saga Prefecture, Japan

Also Known As

Ryōsuke Kagawa




われ幻の魚見たり われ幻の魚見たり (1950) Character: N/A
A village struggles to survive when the nearby lake becomes barren of fish.
闇討渡世 闇討渡世 (1932) Character: N/A
Directed by Mansaku Itami.
日蓮と蒙古大襲来 日蓮と蒙古大襲来 (1958) Character: N/A
During the 1200's, legendary Buddhist monk Nichiren returns from his studies to lead Japan out of moral crisis and prepare to fight Mongol invaders by creating a new form of Buddhism. He runs afoul of the existing Buddhist sects and their government supporters and is persecuted. Can Nichiren persevere before the Mogol fleet reaches Japanese shores?
次郎長三国志 第三部 次郎長三国志 第三部 (1964) Character: N/A
The third part of the story about feudal boss Jirocho and his underlings.
次郎長三国志‎ 次郎長三国志‎ (1963) Character: N/A
The tale of real-life Yakuza boss Shimizu Jirocho is told from his earliest beginnings as a gambler on the road as he forms his gang and sets out on the path to fame and fortune. One of the smartest and strongest of all the gang bosses, he went on to survive the end of the samurai era and become a successful businessman. But first, he must survive against all odds in order to build his reputation and develop his strength. Powerful portrayals of the group are led by the great Tsuruta Koji with help from the likes of Matsukata Hiroki.
柳生武芸帳 片目の十兵衛 柳生武芸帳 片目の十兵衛 (1963) Character: N/A
In the fifth installment, Yagyu Jubei must prove the innocence of his family who is suspected of conspiring to take Shogun's life.
水戸黄門  水戸黄門  (1960) Character: N/A
In 1691 a terrible fire broke out in Denmacho, Yotsuya, burning down the towns around it, up to the shores of Shibaura. A month and a half later, another fire broke out, this time in Komagome, burning down the two gates of Asakusa and Sujikai, and continuing on into the night. As the government Elders consider evidence that these fires were arson, a fire breaks out in Hirakawa-cho, outside of Hanzo Gate. Nishonmaru catches on fire and burns down completely. When this rash of fires even strikes Kyoto, the task of finding who’s behind the arson, and stopping them falls to the Shogun’s uncle, the Elder Lord of Mito. Together with his trusted bodyguards, Kaku and Suke, the trio set of to save Japan from this scourge of evil. Featuring virtually all of their most famous stars, this is the best film in the Toei series about Mito Komon, one of Japan’s most popular historical figures who traveled through the country incognito to check on the people and fight injustice.
大江戸喧嘩纏 大江戸喧嘩纏 (1957) Character: N/A
It's fighting fires and swordsmen with a touch of music in this free-for-all of action and excitement combining the talents of Japan's most popular couple... Misora Hibari and Okawa Hashizo. Along with the great Otomo Rytaro as Tatsugoro the fire chief, they keep Edo safe as part of the famed Megumi Fire Squad.
黒田騒動 黒田騒動 (1956) Character: N/A
This adaptation of a Hideji Hojo novel, about the historical uprising of the Kuroda clan in 1633, is told through the eyes of retainer, Daizen. As his clan’s new leader, Tadayuki, becomes increasingly militant in his opposition to the Tokugawa shogunate, Daizen is forced to reconcile his loyalty to the clan with his loyalty to Tadayuki, who seems dead set on entangling the clan in destructive conflict. The Kuroda Affair’s mise-en-scène is said to have influenced future Toei director Eiichi Kudo. The film also features two of the greatest stars of Japanese period cinema, Chiezo Kataoka and Ryutaro Otomo.
森の石松 森の石松 (1937) Character: N/A
The film recounts the tragedy of a young outlaw.
富嶽秘帖 完結篇 富嶽秘帖 完結篇 (1959) Character: N/A
Early film directed by Eiichi Kudô.
血文字屋敷 血文字屋敷 (1962) Character: N/A
Kamio a mistreated samurai clerk of Edo Castle and ronin (“Sir Quarrel”) Ibara, take up a vendetta against 17 wicked castle men.
日本侠客伝 斬り込み 日本侠客伝 斬り込み (1967) Character: N/A
The Domain: Where The Blade Enters
風流使者 天下無双の剣 風流使者 天下無双の剣 (1959) Character: N/A
Featuring some of the finest swordsmen ever to grace the silver screen, this Toei classic tells the story of a battle between the evil sword style called ”Otonashi” (The Silent Form) and the proper way of swordsmanship as promoted by such historical stalwarts as Shimada Toranosuke, and the mysterious Honda Sakon, who face off against a group masquerading as the lord of Mito and his traveling bodyguards Suke-san and Kaku-san. The plot thickens as their leader unveils his secret plan to disrupt the stability of the nation. It is all in the name of swordsmanship, and as the title implies there are no stronger swordsmen!
家光と彦左と一心太助 家光と彦左と一心太助 (1961) Character: N/A
Fishmonger Tasuke and Shogun Iemitsu swap their identities in pretence for the protection of Iemitsu.
かげろう笠 かげろう笠 (1959) Character: N/A
Film directed by Kenji Misumi.
丹下左膳 こけ猿の壷 丹下左膳 こけ猿の壷 (1954) Character: N/A
A Japanese drama featuring the one-eyed, one-armed swordsman
鼠小僧次郎吉 鼠小僧次郎吉 (1965) Character: N/A
Nezumi Kozō is the nickname of Nakamura Jirokichi, a Japanese thief and folk hero who lived in Edo during the Edo period. His exploits have been commemorated in kabuki theatre, folk songs, jidaigeki, and modern pop culture.
旅はそよ風 旅はそよ風 (1953) Character: N/A
1953 Hiroshi Inagaki movie.
越後獅子祭 越後獅子祭 (1960) Character: N/A
1960 version of Lion Festival of Echigo
又四郎行状記 鬼姫しぐれ 又四郎行状記 鬼姫しぐれ (1951) Character: N/A
Jidai-geki by Nobuo Nakagawa. Most likely a star vehicle for Kanjuro Arashi
鞍馬天狗 角兵衛獅子の巻 鞍馬天狗 角兵衛獅子の巻 (1938) Character: N/A
This is Kanjûrô Arashi's first film with Nikkatsu after his independent production company went bankrupt (many of these independent companies went bankrupt shortly after the transition to sound). As he is mostly famous for his portrait of Kurama tengu (and on the other hand, he's the definitive actor for Kurama Tengu as well), Nikkatsu made another version of Kurama tengu, co-directed by Masahiro Makino & Sadatsugu Matsuda who are both sons of Shozo Makino. Scripted by Yoshitake Hisa, a jidaigeki specialist who later scripted several Toei All-Star Jidaigeki.
織田信長 織田信長 (1940) Character: Oda Nobuhide
A classic wartime jidaigeki about the life of the famous samurai and first of the "Great Unifiers" of Japan, Oda Nobunaga, with Kataoka Chiezo and Shimura Takashi
日輪  日輪  (1953) Character: N/A
Adaptation of the Riichi Yokomitsu novel.
源太時雨 源太時雨 (1953) Character: N/A
Ryō Hagiwara movie
若さま侍捕物帳 お化粧蜘蛛 若さま侍捕物帳 お化粧蜘蛛 (1962) Character: N/A
Movie directed by Sadatsugu Matsuda
八幡鳩九郎 八幡鳩九郎 (1962) Character: N/A
1962 Japanese movie
春秋一刀流 春秋一刀流 (1939) Character: N/A
After being expelled from the Chiba Dojo , Hirate Zoshu , along with his acquaintances Tadaki Ganryu and Tamon Jubei, were hired as bodyguards by Sasagawa Shigezo, and became embroiled in a gamblers' feud known as the "Tenpo Suikoden.
裁かれる越前守 裁かれる越前守 (1962) Character: N/A
1962 Japanese movie
壁の中の美女 壁の中の美女 (1962) Character: N/A
1962 Japanese movie
天下太平記 天下太平記 (1928) Character: N/A
Hiroshi Inagaki's first movie.
旗本退屈男 謎の決闘状 旗本退屈男 謎の決闘状 (1955) Character: N/A
1955 Japanese movie
武蔵と小次郎 武蔵と小次郎 (1952) Character: 岳雲和尚
As the reputation of Sasaki Kojiro, who traveled through various provinces with his long sword seeking duels, began to spread, he was summoned by Lord Hosokawa Sansai upon the recommendation of Kokura clan warrior Iwama Kakubei. However, at this time, due to the proposal by Nagaoka Sado, it was agreed that Kojiro would face Miyamoto Musashi in a duel. If he won, Kojiro would officially become the chief instructor, as he desired. Until then, he had a provisional stipend of 500 koku. Learning that Musashi was in Kyoto, Kojiro set off for the city. En route, he was joined by a woman named Shino, who held a grudge against Musashi.
お役者小僧 お役者小僧 (1953) Character: 松平逸斎
The phantom thief, known as the "Actor Kid", who was creating a stir in the Daimyo's mansion, especially in the inner chambers, was called Inaba Goutaro. He was the adopted son of a samurai, Inaba Buemon. An incident occurred where his foster father collided with the palanquin of the lord's concubine. In the subsequent altercation, Goutaro killed one of the attendants. Taking responsibility for the act, his foster father committed seppuku, and Goutaro was hunted down. Facing death, his foster father revealed to Goutaro that after the death of his biological father, Goutaro's real mother and his younger brother were forcibly made to serve a lord. This revelation ignited Goutaro's determination to infiltrate the Daimyo's mansion to meet his birth mother.
快盗三人吉三 快盗三人吉三 (1954) Character: 木屋文蔵
On March 11 in the seventh year of Tenpo (1836), a monk named Bennō, who fell in love with a geisha named Oshima, was publicly exposed at Nihonbashi for committing an illicit act with a woman. While this was happening, an extravagant procession led by another monk named Nikkei passed over the bridge. Nikkei, the head of the Kanouin temple, in collusion with Nakano Harima-no-Kami, had schemed to make his younger sister, Miyoshi, the Shogun's mistress and aimed to transform Kanouin into the Shogun's family temple. To fund the renovations, Nikkei accepted bribes from a corrupt merchant named Koya Bunzo.
美男天狗党 美男天狗党 (1954) Character: 海老名の常造
During the tumultuous end of the Tokugawa shogunate, the Tengu Party rose in rebellion in Mito. Friends from their hometown, Tanaka Genzo and Fujita Koshiro, each walked different paths. Koshiro, who upheld the philosophy of "Revere the Emperor, Expel the Barbarians," became a leader of the Tengu Party, taking refuge in the mountains. Genzo, however, did not have any particular ideological stance.
八州遊侠伝 白鷺三味線 八州遊侠伝 白鷺三味線 (1955) Character: 喜左衛門
Hatamoto Ooka Gentaro was deeply committed to a future with a beautiful girl named Omachi, a relationship facilitated by his love of the shamisen. Omachi was stalked by a ronin named Akiyama Kanosuke, and at one point, Gentaro and Akiyama dueled at Matanuiyama, but the confrontation was left unresolved when Omachi, sensing urgency, called the authorities. Meanwhile, Gentaro's uncle, Kii-no-kami, concerned about Gentaro's whereabouts, ordered him to investigate a conspiracy by Tachibana Tadama, a tyrannical director of Hachijo who exercised his power oppressively in Shimousa Iioka. Gentaro attempted to leave on a journey with Omachi but was obstructed by his uncle's retainers.
お役者小僧 江戸千両幟 お役者小僧 江戸千両幟 (1955) Character: 中津勘解由
Okazaki Domain samurai Inaba Gotaro accidentally killed a superior while trying to save his beloved geisha, Ko-en. On the run, they were rescued by the actor Nakamura Utaemon, but Ko-en was taken by the Hatamoto, Ono Issai. Gotaro, who fell off a cliff, was saved by the Dutch-trained doctor, Shibarai Ryokai, and his daughter Oume. While traveling to Edo, they met Utaemon in Mishima, who was suffering from a serious eye disease. Ryokai’s treatment saved Utaemon from blindness, and a strong friendship was formed among the three.
荒木又右衛門 荒木又右衛門 (1955) Character: 荒尾但馬
Watanabe Kazuma and Kawai Matagorō from the Bizen Okayama Ikeda clan were close friends, but they inevitably became enemies after Matagorō killed Kazuma's younger brother, Gentayū, and fled. Seeking assistance, Kazuma asked his brother-in-law, Araki Mataemon, for help, but Mataemon refused, saying that it was against the code for a brother to avenge another brother's death. On the other hand, the lord of the clan, Ikeda Tadao, ordered a search for Matagorō, who was found to be sheltered by the Hatamoto, including Andō Jiemon, in Edo. Tadao was furious but unable to act. Matagorō, in Edo, came to regret his birth as a samurai. He met and fell in love with Okō, a bathhouse maid. As the discord between the Hatamoto and the Ikeda clan deepened, Tadao died of illness. Seizing the opportunity to ease the conflict, the shogunate ordered the Ikeda clan to be succeeded by the young lord Katsugorō and to relocate to the Ikeda clan of Inshū Tottori. Meanwhile, Matagorō was exiled from Edo.
若き日の千葉周作 若き日の千葉周作 (1955) Character: 荒屋宮内
Chiba Sōsaku, whose childhood name was Otome, was raised by his father Yukiuemon, the successor of the Hokushin Ittō-ryū style, and his wet nurse in Rikuzen Onikobe, where he early on earned the nickname "Little Tengu of Chiba." One day, Otome heard a rumor that Arao Miyauchi, who once was an internal student at the Chiba family but now ran his own dojo in Onikobe, was spreading false rumors out of resentment for not inheriting the Chiba house—a situation that led to his mother's suicide and his father's abandonment of the sword to become a doctor. Enraged, Otome stormed into the Arao dojo only to be captured and publicly humiliated at Onikobe Pass. However, in his heart, Miyauchi hoped to marry his daughter Nanae to Otome and have him inherit the Chiba family.
水戸黄門漫遊記 飛龍の剣 水戸黄門漫遊記 飛龍の剣 (1951) Character: N/A
Adaptation of Mito Kōmon.
大当り男一代 大当り男一代 (1956) Character: 山城屋長左衛門
Shinzō, the heir of the prominent Edo lumber dealer Yamashiroya, left home when his stubborn father, Chōzaemon, dismissed his lover, the maid Oyasu. Shinzō and Oyasu set up a household near a soba shop in Fukagawa, but Shinzō struggled financially, turning to gambling and fighting, while Oyasu worked as a tea server in a theater, constantly harassed by a small-time gangster, Rikichi, for cigarette money. The only ones concerned about Shinzō and Oyasu were Shinzō’s sister, Omitu, and her dance teacher, Oyoshi. Later, Shinzō managed to get a job at another lumber dealer, but after a conflict with the detective Hansuke, who was also infatuated with Oyasu, Shinzō accidentally dropped lumber into the river and was fired. Unaware that Oyasu had borrowed money from a bar to repay the lumber dealer, Shinzō left to earn money in the Mito clan's crew quarters and ended up rescuing Rikichi from a dice game trouble.
のんき侍大暴れ のんき侍大暴れ (1956) Character: 江田島佐内
In the mid-Tokugawa period, a conflict arose over the "Seiryū Himon," a secret document left by the former shogun Iesai, bequeathing the eighth shogunate to young Lord Manguro of Owari domain. This document became the center of a struggle between the current shogun, Yoshimune, and Manguro. Iida Daisuke, a member of the shogunate's secret intelligence group, the Kurokuwa Group, stole the document from Owari but was killed by Manguro's men. The document then fell into the hands of Yozakura Ogin, who had pledged her life to Daisuke.
鉄火若衆 鉄火若衆 (1962) Character: N/A
1962 Japanese movie
花の遊侠伝 花の遊侠伝 (1958) Character: N/A
1958 Japanese movie
生ける椅子 生ける椅子 (1945) Character: N/A
1945 Japanese movie
東海水滸伝 東海水滸伝 (1945) Character: N/A
1945 Japanese movie
壮士劇場 壮士劇場 (1947) Character: N/A
1947 Japanese movie
宮本武蔵 一乗寺決闘 宮本武蔵 一乗寺決闘 (1942) Character: N/A
1942 Japanese movie
炎上 炎上 (1958) Character: Priest Zenkai
Learning of his family's collapse, acolyte Goichi, sent to study silently at the Temple of the Golden Pavilion, must endure acute psychological distress.
大佛開眼 大佛開眼 (1952) Character: N/A
Dedication of the Great Buddha is a 1952 Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa. It was entered into the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.
愛妻物語 愛妻物語 (1951) Character: N/A
Story of a Beloved Wife is an autobiographical work based on Shindo's first marriage. Jūkichi Uno stars as a struggling screenwriter, and Nobuko Otowa stars as the wife who supports him through his early struggles.
王将 王将 (1948) Character: Ozawa
Shogi, a Japanese form of chess, is a game that requires skill and determination. When poor sandal-maker Sakata decides to pursue his dream of becoming the Shogi Grand Master Champion, everything is at stake – including his family. What will it cost for Sakata to follow his passion?
絵島生島 絵島生島 (1955) Character: 山村長太夫
This period film is inspired by one of the most notorious scandals to have taken place in Edo-period Japan. The heroine, Ejima, was a lady of the Ooku, the harem of Edo Castle in which the Shogun’s mother, wife and concubines resided, forbidden from contact with any other man except in the presence of the Shogun. The institution played a key role in the Byzantine world of Japanese court politics during the Edo era. In 1714, Lady Ejima was sent to pay her respects at a Buddhist temple in the city, and chose to pay an unauthorised visit to the kabuki theatre – a violation of protocol that was to have tragic consequences.
手をつなぐ子等 手をつなぐ子等 (1948) Character: N/A
A small-town boy with a learning disability attempts to fit in with his classmates.
祇園祭 祇園祭 (1968) Character: N/A
Shinkichi, a peasant employed as a cloth-dyer, has a dream: in the midst of the civil war which ravages Japan, he hopes to revive the long-banned custom of the Kyoto Gion Festival, and by doing so, bring together the warring clans and rampaging brigands in peaceful celebration.
弁天小僧 弁天小僧 (1958) Character: N/A
The film won 1959 Blue Ribbon Awards for best actor Raizo Ichikawa and for best cinematography Kazuo Miyagawa. The film also won 1959 Kinema Junpo Award for best actor Raizo Ichikawa.
ふり袖捕物帖 若衆変化 ふり袖捕物帖 若衆変化 (1956) Character: N/A
A princess in disguise, Oshichi launches an investigation to reveal the truth about the disappearance of young women in Edo.
秘剣 秘剣 (1963) Character: Kono Banzaemon
This Japanese action-adventure is set in the 17th century when all forms of swordplay were banned. One fighter, an excellent swordsman believes the law is unfair. His brother keeps his opinions about the law to himself. The swordsman vents his frustration by cutting off the thumbs of an enemy. The fighter is then banished. To live, he becomes a thief. To restore the family's lost honor, the other brother is forced to challenge the fighter to a duel.
地上 地上 (1957) Character: Rokuemon - Heiichiro's grandfather
1957 drama from director Kôzaburô Yoshimura
海を渡る祭礼 海を渡る祭礼 (1941) Character: N/A
There is an inn named Asano Ya in the port town, and a beautiful woman works there. Every year, during a local festival, travelling artists and teachers gather from all over the country, including sesame oil sellers and organ grinders. The day before the festival, trouble arises with some horses.
地獄花 地獄花 (1957) Character: N/A
Period drama based on the novel by Saisei Murō.
戦国奇譚 気まぐれ冠者 戦国奇譚 気まぐれ冠者 (1935) Character: N/A
An adventurer and two accomplices unexpectedly invite themselves to a sword tournament and are offered a job with the lord who organized the competition.
大名囃子 大名囃子 (1957) Character: N/A
Period drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.
大名囃子 後篇 大名囃子 後篇 (1957) Character: N/A
Period drama directed by Yasushi Sasaki.
瀧の白糸 瀧の白糸 (1946) Character: N/A
A 1946 Japanese film directed by Keigo Kimura.
白子屋駒子 白子屋駒子 (1960) Character: Chobei Kagaya
Set in the middle of the Edo period (1603-1867), this tragic love story takes its cue from a celebrated historical case tried by magistrate Tadasuke Ooka, whose shrewd legal decisions became the stuff of legend. Okuma Shirokoya, the daughter of a lumber merchant in Edo (today’s Tokyo), embarked on an affair and was executed after conspiring with her maid to murder her husband. (Source: https://festival.ilcinemaritrovato.it/en/proiezione/shirokoya-komako/)
鉄の爪 鉄の爪 (1951) Character: Kenkichi Kato
During the war a man is bitten by a creature which looks like a cross between a bear and an ape in the jungle. Later he starts to transform to a monster like creature who kills with his claw like fingers.
白髪鬼 白髪鬼 (1949) Character: N/A
A man dies in an automobile accident and returns as a white-haired demon and seeks revenge on his wife and her lover
怪異大捕物 大江戸七変化 怪異大捕物 大江戸七変化 (1949) Character: N/A
Film about Ghost-Cat.
蝦夷館の決闘 蝦夷館の決闘 (1970) Character: N/A
1864. Samurai Shinbei is sent in a secret mission to Ezo, in the North of Japan, to stop riots of villagers commanded by Jirozaemon. A Russian count's daughter, the village leader's daughter and a secret treasure add up to the adventure.
桃太郎侍 桃太郎侍 (1957) Character: N/A
One of Japanese folklore's most popular characters is brought to life on the silver screen in this terrific version of legendary Demon slaying Peach Boy.
十兵衛暗殺剣 十兵衛暗殺剣 (1964) Character: N/A
The Yagyu Family have been teaching the Shinkage style of fencing for generations. Now a new fencing school has opened in Edo, claiming to be the true Shinkage style. Yagyu Jubei faces his biggest challenge yet when the master of the new school claims he is the legitimate successor of Shinkage and tries to take the Yagyu's political power.
旗本退屈男 謎の暗殺隊 旗本退屈男 謎の暗殺隊 (1960) Character: N/A
Saotome Mondonosuke pursues the culprit who placed a malicious curse upon Shogun Tsunekichi.
妖蛇の魔殿 妖蛇の魔殿 (1956) Character: N/A
During a time of war, Lord Ogata is betrayed by two of his closest vassals and killed by his enemy, Sarashina Danjo. Ten years later, Lord Ogata's only living heir, now a skilled ninja, uses sorcery to avenge the murders of his parents.
剣豪二刀流 剣豪二刀流 (1956) Character: N/A
The story of Japan’s greatest warrior, Miyamoto Musashi, after his historic duel with Sasaki Kojiro on Ganryu Island.
快傑黒頭巾 快傑黒頭巾 (1953) Character: N/A
First film of the The Black Hooded Man series.
旅はお色気 旅はお色気 (1961) Character: N/A
Will the assassin take my life or will a beautiful woman take my chastity? Or will a beautiful woman take your chastity? On the Tokaido Highway of Flowers, a beautiful swordsman is in peril! Tokaido is a journey of women's peril! Pink Kumudo no Kenjidoshu! A swarm of beautiful women chases after him! The forest of white blades that ambushes! Tokaido is in full bloom!
風流活人剣 風流活人剣 (1934) Character: N/A
This film tells the story of a ronin's search for his parents, but primarily is a group portrait of life in a Tokugawa-era tenement.
栗山大膳 栗山大膳 (1936) Character: Murakami Umon
Prewar jidaigeki starring Denjiro Okochi
天狗飛脚 天狗飛脚 (1949) Character: N/A
Jida-geki by Santaro Marune.
武士大鑑 武士大鑑 (1934) Character: N/A
Martial Arts Encyclopedia
堀田隼人 堀田隼人 (1933) Character: N/A
Jidaigeki film, only a fragment remains of the original film.
宮本武蔵 宮本武蔵 (1929) Character: N/A
Silent jidaigeki film
浪花の恋の物語 浪花の恋の物語 (1959) Character: N/A
The adopted son of an Osaka courier falls in love with a prostitute and, discovering that she is about to be purchased by a client, steals money from his employer to redeem her. Hunted criminals, the two young lovers take flight to Yamato, but, as in Chikamatsu's other domestic tragedies of love and duty (known as sewamono), they must be pursued and their passion destroyed by death. Favourite Uchida themes, such as the indenturing of a prostitute , and his characteristic emphasis on performance and theatrical artifice re-emerge here; but the daring device of having Chikamatsu appear as a character - not unlike having Shakespeare interpolated into a film adaptation of one of his plays - is just one of many surprises this remarkable film holds. “Extraordinary” (Donald Richie).
自来也 自来也 (1937) Character: N/A
Based on the old tale of Jiraiya, this 1937 version is essentially a revenge story with fantastic visuals.
二刀流開眼 二刀流開眼 (1943) Character: Takuan
Ito Daisuke's wartime retelling of the Miyamoto Musashi story.
霧丸霧がくれ 南海の狼 霧丸霧がくれ 南海の狼 (1961) Character: N/A
Namie's in trouble again, getting snatched by an evil gang in search of treasure. Kirimaru sets out to rescue his sweetheart, and falls in with a band of pirates who are also hunting the hidden stash.
姿三四郎 姿三四郎 (1977) Character: Village chief
The story of Sanshiro Sugata, a young man who wants to learn the new art of judo. A wise teacher reveals to Sanshiro that judo is not merely a means of combat nor a demonstration of physical skill, but an art which reveals the artist to himself.
反逆児 反逆児 (1961) Character: N/A
Young lord Saburo Nobuyasu struggles to find comfort in life. His arranged marriage to Tokuhime, daughter of one-time family enemy Oda Nobunaga, provides little happiness. His manipulative mother adds further complications through her constant interference and attempts at defeating the Nobunaga family.
江戸っ子祭 江戸っ子祭 (1958) Character: N/A
During the reign of Hidetada, the second shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty, the advisor Okubo Hikozaemon (Ganjiro Nakamura) entrusts the young Takechiyo (Hiroshi Kawaguchi) to the fishmonger Isshin Tasuke (Kazuo Hasegawa) to help him understand the world. Tasuke, who does not know that Takechiyo is the shogun's heir, trains him harshly. Tasuke's wife Naka (Michiko Ai) is concerned about his harsh teaching style, but Takechiyo gains strength day by day and adapts to his new life. Soon, Takechiyo begins secretly talking about love with a city girl named Otoyo (Hitomi Nozoe), but...
任侠東海道 任侠東海道 (1958) Character: N/A
An all-star cast highlights this Jidai-Geki classic. Set in the samurai era, this is the tale of period Yakuza. One of the real classics in this genre. Jirocho, an honorable and respected gang boss, uncovers a conspiracy organized by his rivals while on a quest to bring justice to three murders. Some of the most famous actors from Toei studios make this a must-see for everyone! Featuring a very young Nakamura Kinnosuke, who went on to become one of Japan's mosted noteworthy actors under the name Yorosuya Kinnosuke. This is one of the best examples his early work.
兄弟仁義 関東命知らず 兄弟仁義 関東命知らず (1967) Character: Shiotaro Nanbu
Saburo Kitajima, one of Japan’s most famous Enka singers, returns in the fifth of the Kyodai Jingi series. During the early 20th century, Ryuji from Asakusa, a wandering yakuza, joins the Narumi Family in Yokohama. However, when he confronts Shiotaro, the head of the rival family, Ryuji takes a liking to him. He ends up leaving his current family, and becomes close to Shiotaro like brothers swearing to become a full-fledged yakuza.
歌ごよみお夏清十郎 歌ごよみお夏清十郎 (1954) Character: N/A
Based on the popular story of the tragic lovers, Onatsu and Seijuro.
剣鬼 剣鬼 (1965) Character: Shuzen Kagemura
Hanpei is a gentle young samurai that loves flowers. One day, he witnesses an old man's quick draw of the sword. He is so impressed that he becomes the old man's pupil. Soon, Hanpei's skill of sword comes to attention of his lord. The lord orders him to assassinate a man...
眠狂四郎無頼剣 眠狂四郎無頼剣 (1966) Character: Hikoemon Yahikoya
Nemuri Kyoshiro discovers a conspiracy centering around a band of disgruntled samurai wanting to avenge the death of their sensei, a political reformer that pushed for better provisions for the lower classes until he was assassinated by Shogunate agents. Their plot, to set fire to the oil refineries of two rich merchants and unleash a raging inferno that will hopefully burn down the Edo Castle.
大菩薩峠 第二部 大菩薩峠 第二部 (1958) Character: Mochizuki Sobei
This is the second installment of the trilogy based on Japan’s greatest novel “The Great Bodhisattva Pass”, following the life and times of bloodthirsty samurai, Tsukue Ryunosuke. Blinded in an explosion and further injured from a fall, the master swordsman is taken in by Otoyo, a woman who falls in love with him. Under Otoyo’s dedicated care, Ryunosuke’s physical and emotional wounds seem to heal. However, deep inside, the demons that drive him to kill yearn to resurface. Meanwhile he is being pursued by Utsugi Hyoma, a young samurai seeking to avenge his brother’s death at Tsukue’s hands. Hyoma is being aided along the way by the clever thief Shichibei.
佐々木小次郎 佐々木小次郎 (1967) Character: N/A
Sasaki Kojiro tells the story of the genius who staked his love, glory, and life on a duel with the supreme master of the sword, Miyamoto Musashi (Tatsuya Nakadai). Oscar winning Hiroshi Inagaki directs this epic motion picture based on Genzo Murakami’s fascinating story. Despite his humble birth, the orphan Sasaki Kojiro (Onoe Kikunosuke) is determined to become the foremost swordsman in all Japan, a title that traditionally belongs to a nobleman. At fencing school, young Kojiro receives the contempt of his classmates because of his superior swordsmanship. When rumors of the upcoming civil war between Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans spread, Kojiro leaves the school and sets out, seizing every opportunity to realize his dream.
尻啖え孫市 尻啖え孫市 (1969) Character: N/A
Lord Oda Nobunaga gains control of nearly all of Japan and tries to enlist the aid of Magoichi and his 3.000 gunners.
柳生连也斋:秘传月影抄 柳生连也斋:秘传月影抄 (1956) Character: N/A
It is brother against brother in this tale of love and betrayal within the famed Yagyu clan. In one of their earliest films together, superstars Ichikawa Raizo and Katsu Shintaro are magnificent as the two finest young swordsmen in the clan. As they vie for the hand of a beautiful woman their loyalty comes into question during an attack on their lord. When one of them masters the secret technique taught to him by Miyamoto Musashi, it leads to bloody violence that can tear the clan apart! Filled with superb swordplay this rare classic is not to be missed!
小雨の夜に散った恋 小雨の夜に散った恋 (1960) Character: N/A
The exciting story of Jirocho and his yakuza gang that controlled the area of the Tokaido during the latter days of the samurai era. Awesome fighting from Katsu Shintaro as One-Eyed Ishimatsu highlights this great tale taken from Japanese history!
旗本退屈男 謎の南蛮太鼓 旗本退屈男 謎の南蛮太鼓 (1959) Character: N/A
Saotome, a sword master and guard of the Shogunate, pursues the mystery of a deadly aerial weapon that is responsible for the multiple deaths in town.
剣難女難 剣光流星の巻 剣難女難 剣光流星の巻 (1951) Character: N/A
film directed by Tai Katô
右京之介巡察記 右京之介巡察記 (1963) Character: N/A
This is one of the most powerfully effective ninja films that dispenses with the silly magic of earlier efforts, and concentrates on an excellent story with expert fighting. Sena Denemon is the rarest of government officials, a man of integrity, sent on a mission to uncover the corruption that ran rampant during the Edo Period. Refusing bribes, and willing to put his life on the line to raise his son properly, heinfuriates the corrupt Inspectors; thus endangering his own life. Along with his two trusted vassals, he makes a brave effort to alert the Shogun to the plot which is being carried out. After the battle, his son Ichitaro joins the Chichibu ninja group in order to master fighting so he, too, can fight the forces which have brought about so much suffering.
白夜の饗宴 白夜の饗宴 (1932) Character: N/A
In old Edo, Kakunojo (Chiezo), a dandy about town, falls in love with Oichi (Isuzu Yamada), whose merchant family is much beyond Kakunojo's status. He nevertheless pursues her until her initial disgust breaks down into fondness, then romantic feelings, inducing her to abandon her fiance on their wedding day.
髑髏銭 髑髏銭 (1938) Character: N/A
“Dokuro sen” (The Skull Coin) is the first film adaptation of the popular novel by Kikuo Sumita. The story evolves around the seven cursed coins (the Skull Coin) that are supposed to reveal the secrets of the hidden Tokugawa treasure.
髑髏銭 髑髏銭 (1956) Character: N/A
This 1956 adaptation of the novel with the same title puts more focus on the characters and their interactions than the previous version.
旗本喧嘩鷹 旗本喧嘩鷹 (1961) Character: N/A
1716, Yoshimune becomes the 8th Shogun as high Shogunate officials are attacked. While the government tries to keep these incidents under wraps, they must take any means possible to get to the bottom of this mystery and find out who is behind them.
乞食大将 乞食大将 (1952) Character: N/A
Gotō Matabei is the most able and fierce samurai of the Kuroda clan. However, he gradually dislikes the ruthless personality of Kuroda Nagamasa and leaves the clan. Seven years later, he joins Toyotomi Hideyori's army. Filmed in 1945 and released in 1952.
任侠中仙道 任侠中仙道 (1960) Character: N/A
While on the road, famed Yakuza Boss Jirocho is falsely accused of starting a peasant's uprising and chased by the law. Meanwhile, one of his henchmen in an attempt to raise money for the Boss gambles away not only all their funds, but their clothing as well. Jirocho, famed for his honesty and integrity must take on the challenge of rival gangs while trying to elude the government's officials at the same time. Things really heat up when the most famous of all Yakuza Bosses, Chuji of Kunisada gets involved. Will he team up with his old friend or is gang warfare about to erupt?
勢揃い関八州 勢揃い関八州 (1962) Character: N/A
Chuji and his family become the primary target of gangs in Nikko headed by Hasshu marshal Nakayama and boss Sukegoro Iioka. Chuji is then aided by boss Shigezo Sasagawa, Ishimatsu, and a few young yakuza.
透明剣士 透明剣士 (1970) Character: N/A
A coward boy fencer becomes invisible and matchless through a magic pill.
逆襲大蛇丸 逆襲大蛇丸 (1955) Character: N/A
An early fantasy film starring Tomisaburô Wakayama.
国士無双 国士無双 (1932) Character: N/A
In the midst of the depression, two ronin rack their brains to come up with a dishonest scheme. Taking a man from the countryside, they fashion him into Ise Isenokami, the finest swordsman under the sun. Pretending to be his followers, they visit various sword fighting dojo. Out of fear upon hearing the name Isenokami, they pay him off and do not let him enter their training halls. The impostor eventually comes face to face with the real Isenokami after rescuing his daughter, Oyae, who is caught up in a minor incident.
宮本武蔵 般若坂の決斗 宮本武蔵 般若坂の決斗 (1962) Character: Naota Ryohei
The remake of Yoshikawa's novel continues with the second installment in which Takezo, soon to be Miyamoto Musashi, emerges from the Himeji Castle after three years of intense contemplation and philosophical study and starting on his epic quest to complete his skill in the Way.
宮本武蔵 二刀流開眼 宮本武蔵 二刀流開眼 (1963) Character: Naota Ryohei
In the third installment of Yoshikawa's novel Musashi, things continue from the 2nd film at the end of battle, where Miyamoto continues on a mission of learning; with the introduction of his arch-rival Sasaki Kojiro; and lastly the large cast of characters rendezvouses for a fateful finale.
宮本武蔵 一乗寺の決斗 宮本武蔵 一乗寺の決斗 (1964) Character: N/A
In the fourth installment, Musashi's potentially greatest opponent Kojiro jumps in and out of the story at the oddest and most coincidental moments. As his great love Otsu has succumbed to madness. Musashi then sets off to beat the functionaries of a treacherous clan in an arranged duel. 73 against one. Boastful Kojiro watches, secure in the knowledge that only he is a worthy opponent.
大菩薩峠 大菩薩峠 (1953) Character: N/A
The first film in the 1953 trilogy based on the long novel series The Great Bodhisattva Pass.
やくざ非情史 血の決着 やくざ非情史 血の決着 (1970) Character: N/A
Third and last movie in the Yakuza Hijoshi trilogy.
花笠若衆 花笠若衆 (1958) Character: N/A
As a result of a superstitious belief that twins bring bad luck to the family, newborn twin princesses are separated. Yukihime, who was sent away to be raised by a yakuza family in Edo, returns home after many years to settle an old score.
まぼろし城 まぼろし城 (1940) Character: N/A
Early Japanese three-part samurai / fantasy serial.
大阪城物語 大阪城物語 (1961) Character: Michiiku Itamiya
During the raging war between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans, the swordsman Mohei (whose family has been completely decimated) is recruited by Toyotomi to overcome the seat of power, Osaka Castle. Mohei's daredevil skills will be put to severe tests.
続清水港 続清水港 (1940) Character: N/A
An actor, hit on the head, dreams that he has become legendary one-eyed gangster Mori no Ishimatsu.
山椒大夫 山椒大夫 (1954) Character: Ritsushi Kumotake
In medieval Japan, a woman and her children journey to find the family's patriarch, who was exiled years before.
カポネの舎弟 やまと魂 カポネの舎弟 やまと魂 (1971) Character: Boss Izumasa
Lesser, but still modestly entertaining sequel. Wakayama is wonderfully bastardly here, but has to do without Chicago bros. Yamashiro & Watanabe and the film is just that much less fun. It's also a little bogged down by an out-of-place environmental message. In return one does get Willie Dorsey (who would go on to lose his balls in The Street Fighter) in a rather big role as Capone's right hand man. There's a legion of other gaijin as well, Osman Yusuf among them of course. The rating could be a notch higher on a good day.
赤い影法師 赤い影法師 (1961) Character: Jebei Ôkuniya
Fifteen years after Ishida Mitsunari lost in the battle of Sekigahara, Tokugawa Ieyasu foresees his unavoidable battle with Toyotomi Hideyori and goes into Fushimi Castle. At the night, Hattori Hanzo, the leader of 36 Iga members who were performing as guards of the castle, perceives the existence of a ninja and captures the mysterious sneaker.
花と龍 花と龍 (1965) Character: N/A
A story of manly life and the beauty of conjugal love. A story about a man and a woman establishing a family of longshoreman, centering on their love and struggle.
嫁さがし千両勝負 嫁さがし千両勝負 (1960) Character: N/A
A village samurai with money, power and great masculinity goes to the flourishing city of Edo to have some fun and practice. And here he is attacked by a beautiful thief... A light comedy historical drama.
血煙り笠 血煙り笠 (1962) Character: N/A
Three young yakuza, Fujitaro, Matsugoro and Kanjuro, travel the country fighting evil.
新吾二十番勝負 完結篇 新吾二十番勝負 完結篇 (1963) Character: N/A
While on his journey through the countryside of Japan, Shingo encounters many people whose lives have been affected by his actions. Though the many duels he fought were intended to bring justice to those who sought to do evil, he is faced with the knowledge that his victories have also caused suffering amont the family members of his victims-leading him to question his life's philosophy. This superb film is the final chapter in this part of Shingo's story. A fitting tribute to his quest to be the supreme swordsman.
任侠清水港 任侠清水港 (1957) Character: N/A
An all-star cast highlights this Jidai-Geki classic. Set in the samurai era, this is the tale of period Yakuza. One of the real classics in this genre. In this dramatic portrayal of the real-life gambling boss Jirocho, a good-hearted and honest boss sets out to take revenge for a fellow boss. At the same time, the other local bosses, in a bid to increase their own power, plot to dispose of Jirocho. Starring Kataoka Chiezo in one of his signature roles, this is an excellent portrayal of a figure who is not well known outside of Japan. Co-starring Nakamura Kinnosuke, this exciting tale of period yakuza brings history to life.
綱渡り見世物侍 綱渡り見世物侍 (1955) Character: N/A
Rikitaro and Osayo are popular entertainers who throw knives. They are sweethearts. At one day They help Ocho, who is a beautiful pickpocket when she is attacked by Ronin. in Asakusa, However, they come to be surrounded by doubtful Ronin after that. Moreover, Rikitaro is called to stop by Kajima of Edo-Karo of Nihonmatsu-Han. He calls him a young lord and treats Rikitaro as one, because his young lord, Tetsunojo is missing. Kuni-Garo makes a plan to carry out. Kikumaru, the younger brother of the mother difference in him instead of Tetsunojo, Since Rikitaro is just like Tetsunojo, then, they are convinced that it is Tetsunojo of Rikitaro. Rikitaro and Osayo decide to help Kajima and Tetsunojo. Finally they success to crush Kikumarsu's group.
喧嘩太平記 喧嘩太平記 (1958) Character: N/A
Utaemon Ichikawa plays the role of Hikoshiro Navate, who has a strong sense of justice and opposes power and tyranny with his will and spirit.
新鞍馬天狗 新鞍馬天狗 (1965) Character: N/A
The film is set in Kyoto at the end of the Tokugawa period, when there is a fierce clash between the supporters of the Emperor, who are fighting for the overthrow of the Shogunate, and the Shinsengumi squad, who are chasing them. Suddenly, a mysterious masked warrior appears, on a white horse he is called Tengu from Mount Kurama and he opposes the Shinsengumi.
新蛇姫様 お島千太郎 新蛇姫様 お島千太郎 (1965) Character: N/A
Young Sentaro struggles to avenge the murder of his younger sister Osuga and their father.
忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻 忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻 (1962) Character: N/A
After their lord is tricked into committing ritual suicide, forty-seven samurai warriors await the chance to avenge their master and reclaim their honor.
続親鸞 続親鸞 (1960) Character: N/A
Continuation of the biographical film about the monk Shinran, based on the novel by Eiji Yoshikawa. Shinran, born of the fading aristocratic class, was placed in a monastary on Mount Hiei when still a child. He did not come down for twenty years, when his wanderings begin as he spreads his ideas for achieving enlightenment through the Pure Land sutra. Because his teachings contradict the powerful Tendai sect, he comes to grief with the government, his followers persecuted, himself exiled to far coastal Echigo where he married & began raising a family but soonafter was wandering & teaching again. He lived to be ninety.
大菩薩峠 大菩薩峠 (1966) Character: Dansho Tsukue
Ryunosuke, a gifted swordsman plying his trade during the turbulent final days of Shogunate rule, has no moral code and kills without remorse. It’s a way of life that leads to madness.
弥次喜多道中記 弥次喜多道中記 (1938) Character: Kôchinokami Tôyama
A captivating operetta by Masahiro Makino based on Juppensha Ikku's humorous novel "Tōkaidōchū Hizakurige" starring Chiezo Kataoka and Kyoji Sugi.
千姫と秀頼   千姫と秀頼   (1962) Character: N/A
From the late 1500's through the founding of the Tokugawa Shogunate many battles were fought as the great warlords vied for power over the nation. Princess Sen, a daughter of Tokugawa Ieyasu, is caught amidst the family feud between the Tokugawa and Toyotomi families. When her father Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu attacks her husband Toyotomi Hideyori's castle, her life takes a sudden turn for the worse. Will she ever find peace in her life again? One of Hibari Misora's most memorable performances, a movie you will never forget!
伊賀の水月 伊賀の水月 (1942) Character: N/A
Famed swordsman Araki Mataemon must face his best friend as they are forced to take opposite sides in a vendetta caused by the murder of a family member.
王将 王将 (1962) Character: N/A
The film takes place at the junction of the two eras of Meiji and Taisho. Sakata Sankichi, an uneducated zori sandal maker, becomes a professional shogi player through his genius shogi skills and lives a fanatically devoted shogi game supported by the love of his family. This is the 3rd adaptation of Hideji Hojo's famous play.
無法松の一生 無法松の一生 (1943) Character: N/A
Matsugoro is a poor rickshaw driver whose animated spirit and optimistic demeanor make him a favorite of the town. Matsu helps an injured boy, Toshio, and is hired by the boy's parents.
戦国無頼 戦国無頼 (1952) Character: N/A
Soldiers Hayate and Yaheiji secretly escape from their besieged castle. Hayate has left behind his lover, Kano. On his way, Hayate is wounded and cared for by O’Ryo, who falls in love with him. But when Hayate accidentally kills her caretaker, he flees, with O’Ryo in pursuit. Subsequently, Hayate's comrade Yaheiji falls in love with Oryo. Kano, the lover left behind by Hayate, believes him dead, and becomes involved with another soldier, Jurota. When Jurota defects to the opposing army, he takes Kano with him. A double set of love triangles has developed, wherein each man and each woman loves one and is loved by another. Finally only combat and self-sacrifice can untangle the weave.
出世太閤記 出世太閤記 (1938) Character: N/A
Taikoki is a legendary biography of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who rose to the office of taikō. And the story of this film is about the rise to power of Toyotomi Hideyoshi from a farmer's son.
恋山彦 恋山彦 (1937) Character: N/A
A man is brutally murdered and his famed shamisen (a three-stringed musical instrument) called the "Yamabiko" stolen. Prince Kogenta swears to avenge his father-in-law's death and retrieve the family heirloom.
赤垣源蔵 赤垣源蔵 (1938) Character: Isabei Shioyama
Forty-seven Ronin of the Ako clan are waiting for the right moment to avenge the insult and death of their master. The film tells the story of one of them named Akagaki Genzo.
切られ与三郎 切られ与三郎 (1960) Character: N/A
The film depicts the scarring of Yosaburo at the hands of yakuza thugs who catch him with mistress of the gang boss. Despite the physical and emotional scars he now carries with him, Yosaburo falls for a young noblewoman. The rest of the film follows the two as they fend off attacks from gangs and the police.
まぼろし城 第二話 死の旋風 まぼろし城 第二話 死の旋風 (1940) Character: N/A
The undercover agent Tsukinosuke Kigurumi successfully escapes with Kirisaku, who possesses the coveted Shinshu Mountain map targeted by the phantom gang, but loses the key to unlocking it. The one who picks up the key is Osumi, a female courier. (Existing version. Please excuse any deterioration in image quality due to original conditions.)
座頭市あばれ凧 座頭市あばれ凧 (1964) Character: Boss Bunkichi
Blind masseur Zatoichi is nursed back to health by a young woman after he is shot by a gang member. Zatoichi, who had come to the village to repay a debt, now feels further indebted. He commits himself to use his amazing sword skills to help the young woman's father, whose river-crossing service is under attack by the same gang responsible for Zatoichi's wounds.
勝海舟より あばれ獅子 勝海舟より あばれ獅子 (1953) Character: N/A
A gripping historical drama that follows the explosive growth of Katsu Kaishu, the hero of the Meiji era, and the interesting human image of his father, Kokichi, who lived for the common people, his neighbors and his children. A film about paternal and maternal love and conjugal love in the creation of mankind, about the healing power of which laughter and tears have. The film that became the last work of the giant star Tsumasaburo Bando.
一心太助 江戸っ子祭り 一心太助 江戸っ子祭り (1967) Character: 松前屋五郎蔵
A costumed film featuring the famous hero of Japanese history, Isshin Tasuke, arranged in the form of a popular song.
まぼろし城 第一話 飛騨の渦潮 まぼろし城 第一話 飛騨の渦潮 (1940) Character: N/A
Mt. Norikura's natural fortress, the phantom castle. A white-clad iron mask, offering prayers to the eerie triple-faced deity of the Sennjogadake Rocks - the lord of the phantom castle, scheming to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate that destroyed his lord. Sent by the shogunate to infiltrate Hida, Kigurumi Tsukinosuke's cover is blown... (Existing version. Please excuse any deterioration in image quality due to original conditions.)
お葬式 お葬式 (1984) Character: Old People's Club Chairman
When Wabisuke's father-in-law unexpectedly dies, the family goes through a series of random events and occurrences as the funeral unfolds over three days in their home.
恋山彦 恋山彦 (1959) Character: Bunzaemon Kinokuniya
A man is brutally murdered and his famed shamisen (a three-stringed musical instrument) called the "Yamabiko" stolen. Prince Kogenta swears to avenge his father-in-law's death and retrieve the family heirloom.
怪傑紫頭巾 總輯版 怪傑紫頭巾 總輯版 (1949) Character: Zen'emon Tanaka
The purple hood reveals the embezzlement of public money by officials. A remake of Masahiro Makino's 1923 film.
薩陀峠の対決 薩陀峠の対決 (1962) Character: N/A
A variety of characters, including ninja Noto, a swordsman disguised as a komuso monk, and a young samurai chasing them, participate in a chaotic bloody battle for 4,000 gold coins that were stolen from Nijo Castle.
柳生武芸帳 柳生武芸帳 (1957) Character: N/A
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them.
源氏九郎颯爽記 秘剣揚羽の蝶 源氏九郎颯爽記 秘剣揚羽の蝶 (1962) Character: N/A
In the third, and final chapter of this epic tale, handsome swordsman Genji helps a vulnerable princess who is in search of a missing scroll that belongs to the Shogun. This is one of the most highly regarded trilogies featuring a youthful Nakamura Kinnosuke in one of his best roles. This was Kinnosuke at the height of his career, with charm, honor and a vicious sword. If you enjoyed the first two films in the series, you can't miss the exciting conclusion. Even without know-ledge of the first two films, this movie stands on its own with great action throughout!
徳川家康 徳川家康 (1965) Character: N/A
In turbulent 16th-century Japan, the leaders of a minor fief have their child taken from them as a political hostage. His mother and his clan endure years of tribulations until he can return.
江戸っ子肌 江戸っ子肌 (1961) Character: N/A
Action and adventure abound in this story of friendship between two rival firefighters, Kichigoro and Jirokichi in old Japan. When Mukai Sadayu, the vassal of Kaga Clan's accounting officer, Shinagawa Daihachi demands that Omon serve him tea in his mansion and she refuses, the clan's samurai abduct her setting in motion a series of events that will bring the two firefighters into a world of danger and excitement. Jirokichi, leader of the Edo firefighting team "Ha-gumi" must first rescue Omon from the clutches of the vile Kaga Clan's retainers.
あやめ笠 喧嘩街道 あやめ笠 喧嘩街道 (1960) Character: N/A
A dashing edition with fights , love, and laughter, in which the sorrows and joys of the guiltless world are colored by the guiltless travel crow, Ayame 's Gantaro, with the turbulent and exciting Wakizashi Hitoshi .
斬る 斬る (1968) Character: Sachu Mizoguchi
A pair of down-on-their-luck swordsmen arrive in a dusty, windblown town, where they become involved in a local clan dispute. One, previously a farmer, longs to become a noble samurai. The other, a former samurai haunted by his past, prefers living anonymously with gangsters. But when both men discover the wrongdoings of the nefarious clan leader, they side with a band of rebels who are under siege at a remote mountain cabin.
水戸黄門 天下の副将軍 水戸黄門 天下の副将軍 (1959) Character: N/A
After settling the matter of shogunal succession, the retired Old Lord of Mito finds himself in a sea of trouble when he gets involved in the succession of the Takamatsu clan. The usurpers try by every means to effect their takeover, even if it leads to blood being spilled. Along with Kaku and Suke, the elder must face the most dangerous time of his life, in a battle against those corrupt individuals who would use any means to further their dastardly conspiracy, regardless of how many lives might be destroyed. The great Misora Hibari gives a bravura performance, as does the rest of this all-star cast. This is another outstanding effort on the part of the Toei Films, blending fact and fiction to bright back Japan’s golden era of the Genroku period.
怪猫逢魔が辻 怪猫逢魔が辻 (1954) Character: N/A
A kabuki actress is murdered. Her pet cat laps its mistress's blood and becomes a demon possessed by the vengeful murder victim.
この首一万石  この首一万石  (1963) Character: N/A
Gonza was a handsome young laborer, a footman and spear-carrier, working hard for his meager wage. All Gonza wanted was to marry his young sweetheart, but despite their mutual poverty, her status as the daughter of a samurai blocked their path to happiness. A chance opportunity to achieve samurai status would come one day, but Gonza will regret trusting the so-called honorable samurai who extended this fateful offer, and the terrible price he'd pay, fighting for his life in one of the most blood-spattered samurai battles ever filmed.
日本のいちばん長い日 日本のいちばん長い日 (1967) Character: Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Tadaatsu Ishiguro
Following the detonation of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese military and the government clash over the demand from the Allies for unconditional surrender. Minister of the Army Anami leads the military officers who propose to fight on, even to the death of every Japanese citizen. Emperor Hirohito, however, joins with his ministers in asking the unthinkable, the peaceful surrender of Japan. When the military plots a coup to overthrow the Emperor's civilian government, Anami must face the choice between his desires and loyalty to his Emperor.
手討 手討 (1963) Character: Yokota Bitchu no kami
The shogun's vassal Harima Aoyama and a chamber maid are in love with each other, but they cannot be together due to a difference of their status. Soon, an offer of marriage is brought to Harima. Trying to test his love, Okiku breaks one of the plates of the family treasure of the Aoyama family, but Harima doesn't notice. However, someone surrounding her witnesses the moment Okiku breaks the plate on purpose.
鴛鴦歌合戦 鴛鴦歌合戦 (1939) Character: Soshichi Kagawaya
An umbrella maker with a shopping addiction finds himself in dire straits when his debts force him to consider selling his attractive, desirable daughter to a suitor she doesn't love.
若き日の次郎長東海一の若親分 若き日の次郎長東海一の若親分 (1961) Character: N/A
He was married to his lover's butterfly and started a new residence. But good things do not last. In his uncle, Uzaemon in Kawashima, Yoshiji Akaji, Yoshimoto's lender, and Kanehira Akagi, the older brother of the former loan of Mishima, played a challenge. It is said to open the ladies' room to the settlement of Wada island. Although Jiro headed to Shigetsugu for arbitration, he was forced to surrender. In such a case, Jiro became chased by Kinpei and others.
さいころ奉行 さいころ奉行 (1961) Character: N/A
Based on the exploits of real-life historical character Magistrate Toyama no Kinsan, this exciting tale brings the “Demon Magistrate” as he is called to the aid of a beautiful young woman who asks to be abducted on the eve of her wedding so that she would not have to marry a country bumpkin. Instead she plans to go to Edo, where life can be cheap and common criminals run rampant. Can Magistrate Toyama, a gambler himself, see through the plot and keep her safe from harm. Don’t miss this spectacular showpiece of samurai era action led by superstar Kataoka Chiezo in one of his signature roles. When he bares his tattooed right shoulder, all hell breaks loose!
雨月物語 雨月物語 (1953) Character: Village Master
In 16th century Japan, peasants Genjuro and Tobei sell their earthenware pots to a group of soldiers in a nearby village, in defiance of a local sage's warning against seeking to profit from warfare. Genjuro's pursuit of both riches and the mysterious Lady Wakasa, as well as Tobei's desire to become a samurai, run the risk of destroying both themselves and their wives, Miyagi and Ohama.
野狐笛 花吹雪一番纏 野狐笛 花吹雪一番纏 (1960) Character: N/A
Firefighter Sanji learns the secret of his birth.
狼火は上海に揚る 狼火は上海に揚る (1944) Character: Heirokurô Numata
During the Taiping Rebellion of the mid-19th century, anti-Qing (Manchu) Chinese forces led by Taiping commander Li Xiucheng march on Shanghai. Although the Western powers are officially neutral, the British consul in Shanghai sides with the Qing imperial government, and counter to his own government's policy he retains American adventurer Frederick Townsend Ward to raise a mercenary force of foreigners in Shanghai and oppose the Taipings. Ward's force is routed, with heavy casualties, but since many of the casualties are British, the British army soon is drawn in on the side of the Qings. The only support for the Chinese comes from Japanese in Shanghai and anti-imperialist demonstrations in Japan. A family drama plays out against this historical background. After a Chinese home is destroyed by careless British shelling, killing the father and crippling a daughter, the surviving son vows revenge but begins to see that his true friends may be the Japanese.
江戸最後の日 江戸最後の日 (1941) Character: Okubo
It is a historical drama that follows Katsu Kaishu's efforts to surrender Edo Castle bloodlessly in the first year of the Meiji period.
どぶろくの辰 どぶろくの辰 (1962) Character: Boss
1962 Japanese movie
十三人の刺客 十三人の刺客 (1963) Character: N/A
A sadistic Daimyo (feudal lord) rapes a woman and murders both her and her husband, but even when one of his own vassals commits suicide to bring attention to the crime, the matter is quickly hushed up. Not only will there be no punishment, but because the Daimyo is the Shogun's younger brother, he will soon be appointed to a high political position from which he could wreak even more havoc. Convinced that the fate of the Shogunate hangs in the balance, a plot is hatched to assassinate the Daimyo. The two most brilliant strategic minds of their generation find themselves pitted against each other; one is tasked to defend a man he despises, and has a small army at his disposal. The other is given a suicide mission, and has 12 brave men. They are the 13 Assassins.
抜打ち鴉 抜打ち鴉 (1962) Character: N/A
Shinjiro is a rambler, a single sword carrying lone wolf with only his fighting skills to protect him. He doesn’t know where his road leads, only that he must find his lost sister, and the ronin who stole her away. The ronin that Shinjiro has sworn to kill. On the road he’ll find his sister and test his blade against his bitter enemy. He also encounters a lost boy searching for his father, a boy he will swear to protect, and find his own lost love, a daughter of the yakuza who draws him into a frenzied and bloody battle between rival yakuza gangs for the control of a frightened town.
地獄門 地獄門 (1953) Character: Yasutada
Japan, 1159. Moritō, a brave samurai, performs a heroic act by rescuing the lovely Kesa during a violent uprising. Moritō falls in love with her, but becomes distraught when he finds out that she is married.
道場破り 道場破り (1964) Character: N/A
Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
雪之丞変化 第三部 復讐の剣 雪之丞変化 第三部 復讐の剣 (1954) Character: Yohei Hiromiya
The final, third part of an entertaining historical drama depicting the eventful story of the revenge of an actor with a strange fate, with a variety of characters and exciting developments.
雲の剣風の剣 雲の剣風の剣 (1963) Character: N/A
This gripping historical drama depicts a clash of swordsmen, secret government spies, mysterious thieves, robbers and roving samurai who want to take possession of the “Sword of Heaven and Earth.” The film stars the father and son of Jushiro Konoe and Hiroki Matsukata.
山を守る兄弟 山を守る兄弟 (1953) Character: Goemon Sumikura
In the mountainous region of Koshu, Taikahara, there was an intense power struggle between the prominent families, Tamaki and Kakukura. Facing the steward of Kakukura, Kurokawa Senjiro, was Tamaki Daisaburo, who was skilled with a handgun. Daisaburo had granted protection to the charcoal maker, Miyoshi, safeguarding a few mountains passed down from their ancestors. Daisaburo's elder brother, Iori, who had completed his training in Edo, saved Kakukura's only daughter, Koyumi, on his way back home. However, while Daisaburo rushed to Iori's aid after Koyumi was attacked by Kurokawa and his men, their family home was set ablaze.
雪之丞変化 第一部 復讐の恋 雪之丞変化 第一部 復讐の恋 (1954) Character: N/A
The first part of an entertaining historical drama depicting the eventful story of the revenge of an actor with a strange fate, with a variety of characters and exciting developments.
血煙高田の馬場 血煙高田の馬場 (1937) Character: Rokuzaemon Sugano
The tale of Nakayama Yasubei’s duel is famous, even if he in reality probably did not cut down 18 opponents. The story has been related in film, rakugo, kodan and on stage many times, in part because Nakayama later joined the famous 47 Ronin (Chushingura) as Horibe Yasubei. But Makino and Inagaki’s version gives no hint of this more serious future, playing up the thrills and the comedy with Bando’s bravura performance. The multiple pans of Yasubei running to the duel are an exemplar of the experimental flourishes of 1930s Japanese cinema and the final duel, performed virtually like a dance number, is a marker of Makino’s love of rhythm and one of the best sword fights in Japanese film history. The film was originally released under the title Chikemuri Takadanoba (Bloody Takadanobaba) with a length of 57 minutes, but suffered some cuts and a title change when it was re-released in 1952.
炎の城 炎の城 (1960) Character: N/A
In 17th century Japan, Young Lord Masato returns after years abroad to find everything changed: his peace-loving father has died in what he soon finds to be mysterious circumstances, and his mother's married to his uncle, whose ruthless ambition is causing turmoil in the kingdom. Not knowing who to trust, Masato feigns madness, vowing to get to the truth, even though his act causes distress to the girl he loves, who's waited for him all these years. The ghost of his father turns up now and then to show him the way. Meanwhile a peasant revolt is brewing... It all ends tragically.
忠臣蔵 天の巻・地の巻 忠臣蔵 天の巻・地の巻 (1938) Character: N/A
The vassals of the Asano clan, who surrendered the castle & became wanderers, deceive the enemy and the public, wait for an opportunity to avenge their master and his family.
剣豪天狗まつり 剣豪天狗まつり (1961) Character: N/A
During the middle of the Kanei Period (1624-1644) Japan was in the early stages of its most peaceful era. This left a large number of unemployed samurai with nothing to do, and their morale suffered. In order to raise their spirits, the Shogun's Chief Advisor suggests that they hold a "Festival of Swordsmen" in the Shogun's presence. Problems arise when some of the martial artists bring their personal grudges to the competition. When Busshi Shirogoro (OTOMO) meets the daughter of the late Lord SANADA Yukimura sparks fly as she tries to use the competition to carry out her vengeance against Shogun Iemitsu.
新吾十番勝負 第三部 新吾十番勝負 第三部 (1960) Character: N/A
The adventures of Aoi Shingo continue. Shingo is finally given permission to officially meet his father, the Shogun. However, his journey is disturbed by those who wish to claim his life. This is the third part of "THE 10 DUELS OF YOUNG SHINGO", following the first 2 parts (which were actually done as one movie). The tension mounts as young Shingo must face obstacles the like of which he had never before seen. And, can he avenge the death of his master? The man to whom he owes everything.
柳生武芸帳 片目水月の剣 柳生武芸帳 片目水月の剣 (1963) Character: N/A
When the country is in peril, Lord Yagyu Tajima summons his son Yagyu Jubei to retrieve the mystical Yagyu Scroll in order to save all of Japan. This time, Jubei must stop the evil plot of Lord Hayato-no-sho, who secretly plans on overthrowing the Shogunate. This is the most exciting film in the long-running series about one of the greatest swordsmen in Japanese history. Konoe Jushiro gives one of his finest performances in this classic tale.
大江戸七人衆 大江戸七人衆 (1958) Character: N/A
When Katsukawa, a low ranking vassal, learns that his greedy superior, Tatewaki, has hatched a plan to expand his territory, he and his comrades decide to take matters into their own hands. Lots of action in this all-star production from Toei Films, the foremost studio during that era. As with so many of their films, this is highly entertaining, with lots of plot twists and exciting swordplay
雪之丞変化 第二部 復讐の舞 雪之丞変化 第二部 復讐の舞 (1954) Character: Yohei Hiromiya
The second part of an entertaining historical drama depicting the eventful story of the revenge of an actor with a strange fate, with a variety of characters and exciting developments.
お吟さま お吟さま (1962) Character: N/A
The basic story in Love under the Crucifix is about Ogin, daughter of a tea master, who are both Christians in feudal Japan. Ogin falls in love with a feudal prince, also a Christian who is already married, and that creates problems. Further, when the Shogun bans Christianity, the situation worsens.
武士道残酷物語 武士道残酷物語 (1963) Character: N/A
After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history which saw generations of his ancestors suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their cruel lords.
かくて神風は吹く かくて神風は吹く (1944) Character: Shôni Tsunesuke
Set in the late thirteenth century, this film depicts the defense of southern Japan led by the Kono clan against the Mongol invasion in 1281.
獨眼龍政宗 獨眼龍政宗 (1942) Character: N/A
The life, adventures and exploits of warlord Date Masamune the One-eyed Dragon: his early youth as an aggressive warrior, the battles he won until subduing almost all his enemies, the lonely comprehension of knowing that he actually can not take over the whole country because he was born too late.
次郎長富士 次郎長富士 (1959) Character: N/A
Legendary yakuza Shimizu Jirocho and his 28 henchmen travel the unruly path from a 'Fire Festival' in Akiba to a decisive battle by the Fujigawa.
右門捕物帖 南蛮鮫 右門捕物帖 南蛮鮫 (1961) Character: N/A
The serial killing of a samurai each night by strangulation at various temples confounds investigators and brings a chill to the residents of Edo. With the capital on edge, master crimefighter Kondo Umon is brought in to try and solve the case. His illustrious career aside, Umon must risk his own life, time and time again in order to bring the culprit to justice. This mystery will keep you guessing until the exciting climax. Umon has a flair for the dramatic and will hopefully solve the case before more innocent victims have their lives claimed!
放浪三昧 放浪三昧 (1928) Character: N/A
Date Mosui, a young samurai, one day gets a scolding from a nameless ronin that sets him thinking about what life is all about and his ways of living. His frined, Ando Kichinosuke, is alarmed at Mosui's despondency and invites him to his house as his little sister Tsuyu and he try to cheer him up.
地獄の蟲 地獄の蟲 (1979) Character: Shigebei, a pilgrim
A group of bandits flee to the mountains after killing an evil moneylender. Remake of Hiroshi Inagaki's Jigoku no mushi (1938).
銭形平次捕物控 銭形平次捕物控 (1963) Character: N/A
The film tells about a young detective Zenigata Heiji who successfully solves a disgusting and unusual case involving the manufacture of counterfeit money.
風林火山 風林火山 (1969) Character: Nagasaka Yorihiro
Kansuke Yamamoto is a samurai who dreams of a country united, peaceful from sea to sea. He enters the service of Takeda, the lord of Kai domain. He convinces Takeda to kill the lord of neighboring Suwa and take his wife as a concubine. He then convinces the widow, Princess Yu, to accept this arrangement and to bear Takeda a son. He pledges them his life. He then spends years using treachery, poetic sensibility, military and political strategy to expand Takeda's realm, advance the claim of Yu's son as the heir, and prepare for an ultimate battle with the forces of Echigo. Has Kansuke overreached? Are his dreams, blinded by love, too big?
半七捕物帖 三つの謎 半七捕物帖 三つの謎 (1960) Character: N/A
Detective Hanshichi (Kataoka Chiezo) solves 3 mysterious murder cases. Great story and an impressive all-star cast, a must see!
くノ一忍法 くノ一忍法 (1964) Character: N/A
In Osaka during the Edo period, ruler Sanada Yukimura was in losing position, fearing Toyotomi's blood descendents would end, he impregnates one of five Shinano female ninja with the seed of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in hopes of continuing the bloodline. Princess Sen and the five female ninja escape from Osaka castle by blending in with the handmaidens. Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu who was supposed to rule all under the heavens was informed of this secret. So Ieyasu orders five samurai of the Iga Ninja clan (brought by Hattori Hanzo) to stop the Toyotomi bloodline by killing the Kunoichi ninja. An attack of ninja magic arts unfolds in a battle of the sexes.
ゆうれい船 前篇 ゆうれい船 前篇 (1957) Character: Shôgen Unno
As Part I opens, Jubei (Denjiro Okochi), the best of sea skippers, is unable to overcome the stormy seas of Luzon. All hands on board the Kannonmaru were lost except for Shinkei, who alone made his way to land & eventually home to inform his grandson Jiromaru (Kinnosuke Nakamura) that his father Jubei met with disaster. Young Jiromaru tells his grandfather that he doesn't want to be a skipper like his father, but wants to go to Kyoto and become a samurai…
新選組始末記 新選組始末記 (1963) Character: Tomijirô Hirosawa
As winds of change sweep Japan, an honest man joins the Shinsengumi out of admiration for its leader, and because he wants to live and die as a samurai. However, as his involvement grows, reality and idealism come into deadly conflict.
草間の半次郎 霧の中の渡り鳥 草間の半次郎 霧の中の渡り鳥 (1960) Character: N/A
A kindhearted wandering gambler named Hajiro gets involved in a crisis of a village as he passes through and decides to lend a sword in hopes to rescue them.
男の勝負 白虎の鉄 男の勝負 白虎の鉄 (1968) Character: N/A
Tetsu, is a honourable and noble yakuza caught in a conflict between rival clans, and obligations each has toward their yakuza boss and brothers. A railroad line brings changing times to a community. Because Tetsu can't stand by and allow a bunch of yakuza men to molest women, it forces him to battle it out with a knife wielding rival, the unfortunate incident leads to his boss losing face and him having to leave the family to protect it. But the rival family won't stop until they destroy Tetsu who will risk life and love for his brothers.
薄桜記 薄桜記 (1959) Character: N/A
Two amiable samurai wind up on opposite sides of the vendetta between Lord Asano's retainers and the family of Lord Kira that led to the famous revenge of the 47 Ronin.
女の座 女の座 (1962) Character: N/A
Drama about the lives of the five daughters and daughter-in-law of a store owner.
丹下左膳 濡れ燕一刀流 丹下左膳 濡れ燕一刀流 (1961) Character: N/A
Tange Sazen interferes with an evil plot against the Iga Yagyu family.
兄弟仁義 兄弟仁義 (1966) Character: N/A
Famous enka singer Saburo Kitajima stars as Katsuji, a traveling craps artist who finds great camaraderie on the road.
旗本退屈男 謎の幽霊島 旗本退屈男 謎の幽霊島 (1960) Character: N/A
Part of the Bored Hatamoto series. The most popular samurai in Edo, Saotome Mondonosuke, known to most as the "Bored Hatamoto" is the only one who can save the shogunate from the dastardly plot to take over the country.
葵秘帖 葵秘帖 (1958) Character: Nadaemon Mizunoya
A Golden Age drama depicting the exploits of passionate patriot Uotaro Toge in the midst of a mysterious standoff over the Secret Book of Aoi, which will determine the rise or fall of the 350,000-koku Mito clan, and showcasing swashbuckling swordsmanship.
酒と女と槍 酒と女と槍 (1960) Character: N/A
This subversive period film features a hotheaded young samurai, Kurodo, who threatens to commit harakiri in response to the humiliation meted out to his family by the Shogun. The film critiques the inhumanity of feudal obligations, and Uchida’s direction slyly satirizes the contemporary cinematic audience, whose taste for onscreen bloodshed is mirrored in a crowd gathering to watch the protagonist’s planned suicide. The Master Spearman is imbued with Uchida’s characteristic blend of dark humor and stylized action, and Ryutaro Otomo gives an admirable performance in the lead.
大岡政談 魔像篇 大岡政談 魔像篇 (1960) Character: N/A
Magistrate Ooka and a samurai fight against evil forces.
新・平家物語 新・平家物語 (1955) Character: N/A
Special Forces commander Captain Tadamori returns to Kyoto after successfully defeating the uprising of pirates in the western sea of Japan. But because the high courtiers dislike career soldiers gaining power and influence, they ignore the will of ex-Emperor Toba and refuse to reward the captain. Reward recommender Lord Tokinobu is punished, and the captain sends his son Kiyomori to the Lord's residence, where he falls in love with Tokiko, the Lord's daughter. Meanwhile, Kiyomori finds out that he is possibly the ex-Emperor's son... Written by L.H. Wong
緋牡丹博徒 二代目襲名 緋牡丹博徒 二代目襲名 (1969) Character: N/A
The industrual revolution comes to Japan with the introduction of the railroad system. This led to clashes between boatmen, who livihoods are threatened, and the railroad construction workers. Oryu the Red Peony returns to her home in Kumamoto to accept her position as second generation leader of the Yano Family. But the ceremony is interrupted by fighting between local boatmen and railroad works. And it seems a rival family is pulling the strings behind the clashes.
鳴門秘帖 鳴門秘帖 (1957) Character: N/A
From the pen of Yoshikawa Eiji comes this exciting story. The Naruto Strait separates Tokushima from the islands of Awaji and Honshu. On Tokushima the mad lord dreams of conquest and forges a bloody revolt against the Tokugawa shogunate. A mysterious swordsman named Noriyuki Gennojo has crossed Naruto’s waters to uncover the Awa clan’s secrets. He puts his life on the line after finding a testament of Awa’s secrets, written in blood by a dying man. Joining Noriyuki are a female ninja who loves him, and the beautiful daughter of an enemy who’s sworn to kill him. Awa’s defenders willl stop at nothing to prevent the blood-soaked letter from reaching the shogun.

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