Love Among the Roses (1910)
Character: The Lord
In the Kingdom of Never-Never Land there live a great Lord and Lady, each presiding over their own domain. This great Lord goes for a stroll through his estate and coming to the border of his own land he is struck by the entrancing beauty of the contiguous estate, so like his own, that the inclination to intrude is irresistible. His peregrination is halted by the appearance of the great Lady, who is indeed as fair as the flowers that clothe her land. He introduces himself and invites her to stroll with him in his gardens. She is in like manner entranced by the beauty of his possessions. How alike in beauty are they; a veritable fairyland. If they were only one, for it seems they should be. This thought is mutual, and the Lord proposes a way, a marriage, and so a betrothal of convenience ensues. They know nothing of love and so are content in the anticipation of being Lord and Lady of all Never-Never Land.
His Last Burglary (1910)
Character: N/A
Mired in poverty and no longer able to endure the hardships that this situation brings upon their baby, a young man chooses, with his wife, to give up the child by abandoning it in a rich household. A burglar who himself has just lost a child, breaks into this house and decides to ease the mourning of his wife by stealing the abandoned baby. Soon after, the young man and his wife receive word of their sudden fortune. They then try to find their child, but their search is in vain. Faced with the desperation of his wife, the young man calls a doctor whose coachman is none other than the burglar, since reformed. When the burglar learns the cause of the young woman’s misery, he realizes the gravity of his crime and convinces his wife that they must return the baby to its parents.
The Converts (1910)
Character: N/A
A dance hall girl is converted to a religious life by a phony evangelist. But can he, himself, be saved?
Thou Shalt Not (1910)
Character: N/A
Laura has already accepted an engagement ring from Edgar when he discovers that he has tuberculosis. Persuaded by the doctor that he risks infecting his unborn children, he calls off the engagement, but Laura will not accept that: she threatens suicide. When the doctor points out a little girl who is the diseased result of such a union, Edgar recoils, and agrees to pretend to flirt with another woman to put an end to Laura’s love.
The Way of the World (1910)
Character: N/A
The mission bells ring but men are too busy with work and revelers are unwilling to interrupt their amusements. An old priest with an empty church is full of sorrow. However, he encourages a young priest to go among the people wearing civilian clothes, and try to live in the image of Christ. The young man gets a job as a laborer in the fields. He tries to show Christian charity by his example: he feeds the poor, protects children, turns the other cheek, and helps a fallen woman. He is misunderstood by the people, and discouraged, goes back to the old priest. The fallen woman comes to them: the young man’s kindness to her has moved her to seek forgiveness and a reformed life. The bells ring in celebration of one soul saved.
The Gold Seekers (1910)
Character: N/A
A prospector in the Gold Rush days of ‘49 strikes pay dirt after a long struggle. He stakes the claim and stays to guard it while his wife and ten-year-old son hurry off to the claim office to register it. Two scoundrels observe the action, and go in pursuit. Arriving after the wife and her son, they trick her into leaving the queue waiting for the agent to arrive. A woman who pretends to faint is the accomplice who leads the wife to a cabin. The scoundrels lock the wife in, but she ties her son to a rope and lowers him out the window to bring help. She is rescued and manages to register their claim in the last moment.
The Face at the Window (1910)
Character: N/A
Like his father before him, Ralph is admitted to the Graduate Club upon completing his studies at the university. He is presented with a commemorative stein to mark the occasion. Ralph meets an artist’s model, marries her over his father’s objections, and is disowned by the old man. Eventually, he becomes a drunkard and deserts his wife and their baby, who is taken in by Ralph’s father when the young mother dies. The grandson is raised with the same advantages as his father, graduates from the same university, and is admitted to the same club. During the festivities, Ralph stumbles by the club, is seen through the window by his son and his friends, and is brought inside. He attempts to drink from his old stein, but is shoved aside by the boy, who does not know him. The old man enters and recognizes Ralph. All three are reconciled as Ralph dies.
A Summer Idyll (1910)
Character: N/A
Rebuffed in his attempts to propose to Cora, Albert elects to take a walking trip through the countryside. There he meets a shepherdess, and the two soon develop a mutual attraction. Cora regrets her decision and tries to entice Albert back by sending him a note. He ignores her first attempt, but in the second she includes the butt of a cigarette she has been smoking and this token convinces him to return. The shepherdess finds solace in the arms of her grandfather once Albert has gone back to Cora.
The Iconoclast (1910)
Character: N/A
A printer, drinking excessively and neglectful of his family obligations, is fired from his job when he offends his wealthy employer and his employer’s guests as they tour the printworks. Seeking revenge, the dismissed employee enters his former employer’s house with the intention of shooting him. There he sees the employer and his severely disabled daughter, and recognizes the strong emotional bond between father and daughter. This convincing demonstration of affection brings the printer to his senses. He asks pardon, is reinstated in his old job, and becomes a model worker, husband, and father.
The Kid (1910)
Character: Walter Holden
To Walter Holden since the death of his wife, falls the responsibility of raising his only child.
In Little Italy (1909)
Character: Victor Ratazzi
Marie has two suitors. She accepts Victor and rejects Tony, who stabs Victor in a fit of jealousy. When he learns that Victor is still alive, he breaks into the room in Marie's house where Victor is convalescing and attacks him again. He is threatening to attack Marie when lawmen burst in and arrest him.
The Call (1910)
Character: Billy Harvey
Edith Lawson is engaged as the star dancer of a traveling tent show. Her circus name is Fatima. Billy Harvey, one of the performers, and a part owner of the show, is, or rather pretends to be, in love with Fatima, and she loves him in return. The arduous duties have made the poor girl ill but her managers cruelly insist that she must appear, as she is a feature. During her dance, however, she faints from weakness, and the audience is dismissed. Amos Holden, a young merchant in the village, who is in the audience, is deeply moved by the poor girl's predicament, and determines to help her.
The Cloister’s Touch (1910)
Character: The Father
A peasant family comprising the father, mother and little boy child are happy in their own sphere until one day several courtiers of a hunting party stopped at the humble home for refreshments. The men are particularly struck with the beauty of the young wife, and as their Duke is in the depths of boredom they suggest carrying her off to court. However, they think it best to first consult the Duke, who in the extreme of ennui, is most agreeable to the plans. Hence, the poor wife is torn from her husband and child and taken to court to be made a lady by the Duke.
On the Reef (1910)
Character: Mr. Wilson
Grace Wallace was the only child of a widow of decidedly meager means. Mr. Rupert Howland, a widower of considerable wealth, the father of a girl child, and an old friend of the family, often surreptitiously helped them. He dearly loved the young girl, but it was only at the death-bed of Mrs. Wallace that he really showed it. The poor woman at the point of death realized the helplessness of those she was leaving behind, her own aged parents and her daughter Grace. To assure their future she begged Grace to marry their dear friend, and Grace, touched by the man's goodness and her mother's condition, consented. Not content with the promise, she asked that the marriage take place at once by her bedside, and the wish was granted. Poor Grace struggled hard to love the dear old man, but while she admired and respected him, and was profoundly grateful for his kindness, she could not love him.
The Command from Galilee (1911)
Character: The Lover
A 1911 short starring Arthur V. Johnson, Marion Leonard and Henry B. Walthall. it is now considered a lost film.
For His Sake (1911)
Character: N/A
To save her artist lover from starvation, a young girl weds a rich old man, who buys his pictures. Not knowing her sacrifice, the artist becomes famous and publicly snubs the girl. On his deathbed the old man sends for the artist and divulges how he forced the girl to marry him and the lovers are reconciled.
Souls Courageous (1911)
Character: N/A
Isabel Bradford, an orphan, keeps house for her grandfather, her sisters Ina and Marie, 18 and 10 years old, respectively, and her brother Harry, aged 16. Harry and his grandfather answer the call to arms. Ina meets a wounded volunteer carrying a message to the American general that the British are preparing to attack. She undertakes to carry the message and after a trying experience reaches the American camp and the soldiers advance to meet the enemy. In the meantime the British have attacked the settlement and a pair of drunken soldiers enter the Bradford cabin and attempt to force caresses upon Isabel. Capt. Burton, a British officer, arrives and hurls them aside. Isabel's heart flutters with emotion as she thanks the dashing officer, and he in turn is smitten with her charms. Later another detachment of soldiers make an attack and Isabel barricades the heavy door and fired the guns which her tiny sister loads.
The Road to Mandalay (1926)
Character: Father James
Joe, a former sea captain whose wife died during the birth of their child at sea, is now a pockmarked, disreputable divekeeper in Singapore where he indulges in shady operations with Herrick, known as The Admiral. They ship for Mandalay, where Joe's daughter lives with a priest, Father James, and tends a curio shop, unaware that her father regularly sends money to Father James for her support. Although his daughter clearly finds him abhorrent, Joe determines to take her away until he learns that The Admiral has fallen in love with her and plans to marry her. He persuades Father James (actually his brother) not to perform the ceremony, and The Admiral is shanghaied by Joe's men. The girl, suspecting Joe, goes to his brothel in Singapore and is about to be assaulted by Charlie, a lecherous Chinaman, when Joe intervenes and is stabbed. The Admiral comes to her rescue and escapes with her on a boat.
The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1929)
Character: Father Juniper
This first cinematic version of the classic book is a part-talkie, although the only surviving print is silent (housed in the George Eastman House, Rochester, NY). It is a straight-forward telling of the intermingled lives of a group of strangers doomed to die in a collapsing bridge accident. The Art Direction, paltry and unremarkable, surprisingly won an Oscar over the far more remarkable work nominated in THE IRON MASK. The special effect scene of the lovers plummeting with the bridge into the chasm is unforgettable and remarkably done.
The Wanderer (1913)
Character: The Wanderer
A little over six minutes survive of this Biograph short. Not to be confused with another Biograph short, Olaf- An Atom (1913, starring Harry Carey, later re-released as The Wanderer), a film not directed by Griffith.
The Switchtower (1913)
Character: The Switchman
"He was a regular boy and his father a switchman. The boy determined to be like his dad and spent his play hours around the switch-tower. Thus at the crucial moment he was able to save his father's honor as a switchman, when the struggle between love and duty came and later to come to the aid of his parents in the hands of the desperate counterfeiters, eventually causing their capture." —Moving Picture World synopsis.
The Usurer (1910)
Character: One of the Second Debtors
A wealthy, callous moneylender finds a terrifying way to learn about money's limitations.
A Child of the Ghetto (1910)
Character: The Farmer
After her mother's death, Ruth struggles to support herself as a seamstress. While Ruth delivers shirts to the factory owner, the owner's son steals some money and Ruth is accused of the crime. She flees the ghetto of New York's Lower East Side and hides in the country where she meets a young farmer.
Brutality (1912)
Character: Actor In Oliver Twist
An abusive father and husband attends a play one night and sees that the "villain" in the piece does to his family exactly what he is doing to his own family.
Classmates (1914)
Character: Duncan Irving
Bert Stafford, who is in love with Sylvia Randolph, his mother's ward, despises Duncan Irving, a poor boy who is the object of Sylvia's affections.
Pippa Passes (1909)
Character: N/A
Pippa awakes and faces the world outside with a song. Unbeknown to her, the music has a healing effect on all who hear her as she passes by.
A Flash of Light (1910)
Character: Younger John Rogers
An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist, and her younger sister take her place.
A Woman in the Ultimate (1913)
Character: Badger Gang Member
The unwilling dupe of her step-father, she became the decoy of the wealthy young man, but at the crucial moment she saved both herself and the young man and thus ended the game of the badgers.
The Broken Locket (1909)
Character: Mexican Man
George Peabody is a young man who has been giving free rein to his inclinations, the principal one being drink. One might have concluded he was lost, but there was the chance which the hand of Providence always bestows in the person of pretty little Ruth King, who had secretly loved George since their childhood days. She succeeds in persuading him from his reckless life, and he determines to cut off from his old loose companions by going out West and making a man of himself. Bidding Ruth and her mother good-bye, he realizes that he loves his little preserver and promises to return worthy of her love and confidence. They plight their troth with their first kiss and a heart shaped locket, which Ruth wears, she breaking it in two, giving George one side while she retains the other, which symbolized the reunion of their hearts with his return.
Fools of Fate (1909)
Character: N/A
Fanny is the wife of Ben Webster, a trapper, and while he is an affectionate and dutiful husband, she yearns for something which appears better than her lot. She reasons: "Have I not youth and beauty and attainments far above this environment? Why should I be compelled to toil and struggle in this wilderness?"
Retribution (1928)
Character: Henry / Tommy Mooney
Henry B. Walthall made his talkie debut in this 10-minute short from Vitaphone. In the film he plays a once rich man who has found himself in the dumps due to drug abuse and other issues. He goes to see a former friend (Tom McGuire), now a Senator, and he's not too open to giving the man a second chance.
Black Magic (1929)
Character: Dr. Bradbroke
On a South Seas island, "three white derelicts drink away memories of the past. After many adventures during which a girl enters the picture, the three are rehabilitated and everything turns out happily."
In Life's Cycle (1910)
Character: Vincent, as an Adult
A story about two children that are made to promise they will not forget their recently departed mother. As the two children grow up the boy regularly visits his mother's grave, while the girl has forgotten her promise.
The Slave (1909)
Character: Alachus' Friend
A Greek woman marries a struggling sculptor. When he can't support her and their baby, she offers to sell herself as a slave to allow them to buy food.
The Call to Arms (1910)
Character: The Lord
A Feudal Lord and his bride were visited by their cousin at a time when this Lord was presenting to his bride the family heirloom the Great Ruby of Irskaat. The cousin coveted it, and was determined to secure it. The Lord receives a call to arms and appreciating the danger of leaving this valuable jewel unguarded, buries it in a secluded part of the grounds. His soldiers now assembled, he departs, leaving his wife to the care of his trusted servants. No sooner had he left than the cousin returns with the subterfuge that he will stay at the palace guarding the wife until the Lord's return. This the wife appreciates, believing his tender well meant. Surreptitiously he rids the palace of the servants, placing his own in their stead. The poor woman is now in the absolute power of this despicable villain.
The Sorrows of the Unfaithful (1910)
Character: Bill
In a quaint fishing village Bill and Mary are childhood sweethearts. Ten years roll by, and the boy, now a young man, gives the girl a ring and they now renew their vows. They are both very happy until fate interferes. Bill, while strolling on the shore, espies a raft with an object on it that looks like a human being, far out at sea. He swims to the raft and finds an exhausted fisherman lying prone upon it. Pushing the raft to the shore, he, with the aid of others, revives the stranger. Joe is the stranger's name and he and Bill become staunch friends. Mary becomes smitten with Joe and cruelly casts Bill aside.
The One She Loved (1912)
Character: The Husband
Roy Norris, a young author, proposes to pretty Mary Ford and is accepted. The first year or more of their married life is one of bliss, made all the sweeter by the arrival of their first-born. The little trio, father, mother, baby, are bound together by love, until unreasonable jealousy possesses the young couple. While at work in his studio, the young author is visited by his wife just as he is complimenting his stenographer on her valuable aid, and from this the wife sees grounds tor suspicion. On the other hand, the young husband, seeing his wife talking to a stranger, becomes suspicious.
The Confession (1920)
Character: Father Bartlett
A priest hears a murderer's confession but can't reveal the truth, even though his brother is being tried for the crime.
The Little Tease (1913)
Character: The Valley Man
The supposition was that she was born a tease, for from her first teeth to the time she was almost grown, she vented her witcheries on her unsuspecting parents and the wild things of her mountain home. But that was before the man from the valley lost his way and later found it back again, bearing away the little tease to the valley. While she suffered the qualms of broken faith, her father passed through a like struggle, for he felt the precepts of the "beloved book" had failed him. He closed the door of his cabin upon the world and the light from his window, lighting the wayfarer over the mountain path, disappeared. The struggle over, it came hack in its place in time to beckon the little tease as she left the valley behind.
The God Within (1912)
Character: The Woodsman
The woman of the camp implores her lover to marry her, and he promises to do so, but goes away and does not return. Target of the camp's jeers, she lives alone until her child is born dead. The doctor fears for her reason if she discovers that all her shame and anguish have been in vain. He has another maternity case on the outskirts of the camp, where the Saint, as the trapper's wife is known, dies in giving birth to a child...
Two Daughters of Eve (1912)
Character: The Father
Calumny is one of the most despicable crimes against our neighbor, and while the wife in this story acted conventionally, she nevertheless maligned the other woman simply because of her profession, an actress. While out on a shopping tour, the wife and her husband enter a store, leaving their little child in the auto in the care of the chauffeur. This gentleman pays but scant attention to the child, so the little one wanders off and strolls into the stage door of a theater during the matinee. The parents upon their return to the auto discover the child's absence and trace him to the theater stage, where they find him in the arms of one of the show girls. The mother matches the child from the girl's arms, scornfully exclaiming, "How dare you contaminate my child with your touch?" For this remark, together with the derisive laughter it occasions, the girl vows to be avenged.
In the Aisles of the Wild (1912)
Character: Jim Watson
A widower and his two daughters live in the wilds of the north woods. They form the acquaintance of two trappers, Bob Cole and Jim Watson, who hunt in the neighborhood. As fate will have it, both trappers love the same girl, the elder sister, but she loves Bob, while the younger girl is attracted by Jim. The elder girl, however, through a woman's whim, pays marked attention to Jim simply to arouse jealousy in Bob. He, in temper, cannot reason her motive and leaves, so through pique she accepts and marries Jim. Later Bob revisits the place, feeling that the girl loves him best, and tries to induce her to go away with him. He finally succeeds and, as you may imagine, fate brings about justice.
The Green-Eyed Devil (1914)
Character: N/A
Jim Miller lives in a cheap tenement with his wife and his sister. They had been in a better position in other days, but Jim has developed into a morose half-drunken character, suspicious and high-tempered. The sister leaves her own husband and comes to live with Jim. However, she is jealous of her sister-in-law and goes out of her way to be mean to her, and to poison Jim's mind against the weak, pretty thing who is his wife. One day Jim gets out of a job and while he is out looking for work and the sister is away at her work in the factory, Mary, the wife, steals out determined to add to the common share, while her husband is in hard luck. She finds work painting clay figures, an art for which she shows some talent. But she is afraid of Jim's wildness and as soon as she collects money she secrets it for a rainy day. One day after she has worked hard and hoarded some money, the sister comes in unexpectedly upon her, and when Mary goes out of the room finds the money in an old vase.
Lord Chumley (1914)
Character: Lord Chumley
After Gasper La Sage and his cohort, Blink Blunk, are released from prison, they make plans for another robbery. The scheme, which requires La Sage to pose as a gentleman, fails. Blunk is arrested, but La Sage goes free. Some time later, La Sage goes to England where he blackmails Lt. Hugh Butterworth, an officer who misappropriated money intended for the widow of a fellow officer, and who owes La Sage money for gambling debts. As payment, La Sage wants Hugh to arrange for him to marry Eleanor, Hugh's sister. Hugh tells his friend Lord Chumley about La Sage, however, and Chumley is able to learn about La Sage's past when he overhears Blunk, now out of jail, threaten his former friend. After La Sage intensifies his suit for Eleanor, Chumley is finally able to discredit him by tearing open his shirt and revealing the mark of the prison. With La Sage out of the way, Chumley and Eleanor announce their engagement as do Hugh and his faithful sweetheart, Jessie.
Helldorado (1935)
Character: Abner Meadows
Arthur T. Ryan, a hitchhiker, gets a ride from haughty, society girl Glenda Wynant and her fiance, wealthy J. F. Van Avery after he helps them to replace the top of their convertible when it begins to rain. As they approach a bridge, Art notices a few stalled cars, and when the storm worsens, the bridge washes away, leaving Art, Glenda, Van and several others stranded in a canyon.
The Woman on the Jury (1924)
Character: Prosecuting Attorney
The story of a woman on trial for her life for shooting the man who had promised to love her but had deserted her...and of a woman on the jury who refused to condemn her when eleven men had voted guilty...a woman brave enough to defy public opinion, brave enough to lose the loss of the love of her husband by baring her soul to the world in order to save the girl on trial.
The Armorer’s Daughter (1910)
Character: Macennas
Set in Rome, during the feudal period. The heroine, the daughter of an armor manufacturer, is in love with a humble tradesman. The resistance expressed by the armorer towards this romance inexorably leads to disaster for everyone concerned.
The Gray of the Dawn (1910)
Character: N/A
A young society swain is stolen away from the young blind girl he loves by a rapacious queen of the demi-monde who is only out for his wealth…at first. Soon enough, she falls for him and is purified by her feelings. Realizing she will ruin his life if they stay together, she commits suicide in the gray of the dawn, and he returns to his true love.
Love in an Apartment Hotel (1913)
Character: The Young Woman's Fiance
In the apartment hotel lived the aspiring maid, whose solicitude maintained order in the bachelor's apartment. He was her ideal, and the all-adoring bell-boy was firmly but gently given to understand that maids who read "Heliotrope Glendening's Advice to Young Ladies" look higher than ice-water toters. A compromising complication, however, with an unexpected visit from a beautiful lady, quite convinces the aspiring one that wealthy young bachelors may be the grandest men ever, but their aspirations, when it comes to the crucial test, are not for chambermaids. Science influences his actions so much that he gets into trouble with the police.
If We Only Knew (1913)
Character: The Father
A careless nurse girl allowing the child to wander away, made the mother realize the poignancy of the little verse: "If we knew the baby's fingers / Pressed against the window pane / Would be cold and stiff tomorrow, / Never trouble us again, / Would the bright eyes of our darling / catch the frown upon our brow, / Would the prints of rosy fingers, / Vex us then as they do now?" But a higher destiny watched the child and saw it safely home.
The Stolen Loaf (1913)
Character: The Poor Man
A poor man steals a loaf of bread to feed his family, not knowing there's a stolen diamond hidden inside.
A Gambler's Honor (1913)
Character: Beth's Brother
The brother at cards failed to make up the shortage at the express office, but the gambler determined to save him. His intention, however, was misconstrued until the sheriff's investigation brought the truth. The gambler then awoke to the justice of the girl's plea against his previous life and the tragedy of a dead brother's weakness was lightened.
The Mirror (1913)
Character: The Station Agent
The girl's lessons from the young station agent on the manipulation of the telegraph code served her in good stead. By it, hemmed in on all sides at the lonely farmhouse, she was able to save both herself and her father's money from desperate tramps, an experience which is grippingly illustrated in this Biograph melodrama.
The Odalisque (1914)
Character: Joe, in love with May
May and Annie work in a fashionable millinery store, where the buyer, struck by May's beauty, advances her to a position among the models. She gets a little money, but finds that she is obliged to wear better clothes, which she has a hard time getting.
Modern Husbands (1919)
Character: Stephen Duane
When wealthy Wall Street stockbroker Stephen Duane neglects his wife Julia for business, she consorts with philanderer Bert Brockwell. Finding them in an embrace forced by Brockwell, Stephen denounces Julia and leaves. After losing his fortune in the market, Stephen refuses Julia's offer to sell her jewels, and stays away for one year
The Perfidy of Mary (1913)
Character: The Poet
Rose and her cousin Mary dwell in the land of romance, but real Romeos are scarce in this prosaic age. Yet Rose, in spite of a gay young Lothario who steps in the way of her own true love, finds her way to love-land. That was where Mary's perfidy came in. It showed up Lothario's true character, while at the same time it brought Mary back to her own determined young lover.
Her Mother's Oath (1913)
Character: The Actor
The orthodox mother's indomitable will dwarfed the child's individuality, defeating the very purpose it would attain. The girl ran away with an actor and the fearful prayer, "If I ever speak to that man again, may God strike my mother blind," was fulfilled, but in the end the woman was saved from herself.
The Honor of His Family (1910)
Character: George Pickett Jr.
An old colonel is proud as a peacock: his son leads a group of volunteers in the American Civil War. Untill one day his son returns home as a deserter.
The Day After (1909)
Character: Party Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Hilton throw a New Year's Eve party. They agree not to drink the punch themselves, but as guests begin to arrive their resolve weakens, and soon they are both cavorting drunkenly. Next morning Mr. Hilton, feeling very sick, is conscience-stricken over his drunkenness and his behavior with another woman. He fears to face his wife until he discovers that she feels just as guilty herself.
Pranks (1909)
Character: Sunbather
Tom and Ethel separately decide to go bathing in a river. Pranksters switch their clothes and they each have to dress up as the opposite sex.
Gimme (1923)
Character: John McGimsey
A young woman borrows money from her boss for her wedding dress. After the marriage he asks to be repaid, and she--not liking to ask her husband for money--writes a check on her husband's account. When he discovers that his wife has written a check to another man and not told him, complications ensue.
I Am Not a Racist (2019)
Character: Ben
A parody of D. W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation", "I Am Not a Racist" rearranges the scenes of the classic movie and recreates its dialogues to criticize the racism in it and also in the world today. Freemenville is a little city somewhere in the USA. A city ashamed because of its past of slavery, but proud of being the first in the country to end it. There is an annual ball to celebrate this fact. And this year's ball may be the biggest ever, because of the possible presence of a big celebrity, who is coming to town to see the premiere of a play. However, the play happens to be D. W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation", a racist work that starts a series of events exposing the racism that still exists in the city, culminating in the recreation of the KKK.
Kit Carson Over the Great Divide (1925)
Character: Dr. Samuel Webb
When the Indians attack, a doctor is separated from his wife. The reunion is set against the heroism of the foremost Indian scout of the day...Kit Carson!
The Two Brothers (1910)
Character: Pedro
In Camarillo, principality of the Spanish dominion, there lived two brothers, Jose and Manuel. Born in a noble Spanish family and reared by a mother noble in both station and character, they were vastly different morally. Jose was a dutiful son and upright young man, while Manuel was the black sheep. It was on Easter Sunday morning during the processional that Manuel appears in an intoxicated condition and foully ridicules the priests and acolytes as they enter the chapel of the old mission. At this the mother's pride is hurt beyond endurance and she exiles her profligate son from her forever. Manuel is shunned as a viper and while making his way along the road, meets Pedro, the notorious political outlaw, who sympathizes with him and offers him inducements to join him, and so takes him to his camp. Meanwhile, Jose woos and wins the Red Rose of Capistran and the day for the wedding is set.
Broken Ways (1913)
Character: The Road Agent
In this story the young wife concerned is called upon to solve a rather momentous question. After separating from her husband, whom she has discovered to be a brute and a criminal, she is about to give herself to another man, believing her husband dead, when he appears before her fleeing from justice. Shall she deliver him to the law or surrender to his claims? She yields in one instance, but not in the other. Then justice intervenes.
The Heart of an Outlaw (1909)
Character: The Mexican Lover
A man gets revenge on his cheating wife by killing her and her lover. He thinks he has killed his daughter as well, but she survives and is adopted by the sheriff. A few years later the man, now an outlaw, ambushes the sheriff and plans to kidnap and murder the sheriff's daughter.
During the Round-Up (1913)
Character: The Stranger
Called away on a deal, the ranchero left the foreman in full charge of the round-up. That was the opportunity the stranger and his accomplice were seeking. The girl's determination to recover the money at all costs resulted in a daring rescue on the part of the young foreman, who registered another triumph at the final round-up.
The Able-Minded Lady (1922)
Character: Breezy Bright
An easy-going cowboy is forced to work on the ranch of a bossy 'able-minded' three-time widow who has designs on him.
My Hero (1912)
Character: Indian Charlie
Stern parents have ever been relentless obstacles in love's young dream, but it is perhaps quite doubtful if ever love could equal the accentuated bliss and anguish of these two. She refused to eat for her hero and for her he bore the marks of battle, an eye made black by a cruel parent's fist. Tired of such an unsympathetic world, they sought the wilderness, where, had it not been for Indian Charlie, these two "babes in the wood" would have ended their dream in a manner quite too disagreeable to think of.
The Tenderfoot's Money (1913)
Character: The Prospector
The tenderfoot came into camp with his ill-gotten money intending to purchase a claim. The faker salted a claim, hoping thereby to secure the money. But the gambler got ahead of him through cheating at cards. Later the tenderfoot sought to regain his money and in the struggle it fell into worthier hands.
The Murder in the Museum (1934)
Character: Bernard Latham Wayne, alias Prof. Mysto
When a city councilman is murdered while investigating allegations of drug dealing going on a a somewhat disreputable sideshow, the daughter of the chief suspect teams up with a newspaper reporter to find the real killer.
Parted Curtains (1920)
Character: Joe Jenkins
A young man just released from prison can't find work because no employer will hire an ex-convict. Broke and hungry, he steals money off of a painter. The painter, however, takes pity on him and decides to help him get his life back together.
The Gangsters of New York (1914)
Character: Porky Dugan
Biff Dugan, the eldest son of a poor family living in a tenement on the squalid East Side of New York, leads a gang of hoodlums, among whose members is his brother Porky. Their sister Jess is a consumptive whose health was ruined in a sweatshop. During a melee in a mission run by reformer Henry Davis, the Dugan gang encounters Billy Drew and his sister Cora, newcomers to the city. Porky saves Cora from the unwelcome attentions of Biff's rival, Spike Golden, and the two fall in love. Later, when Spike is killed in a gang war, Biff is wrongfully convicted of the murder and executed in the electric chair. Porky, who served a short term in prison for his part in the crime, comes back to the city to find that Jess has died and Cora has returned to the country.
Star Power: The Creation Of United Artists (1998)
Character: Col. Ben Cameron (archive footage)
The careers of D.W. Griffith, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and Charlie Chaplin are chronicled culminating in the formation of United Artists and 1919.
Screen Snapshots (Series 22, No. 10) (1942)
Character: Self (archive footage)
The edition of Screen Snapshots celebrates 25 years of production. It looks at the content of edition #1, then a tribute to movie people who have died in those 25 years. Finally there are tributes to the Screen Snapshots series by Cecil De Mille, Walt Disney, Louella Parsons and Rosalind Russell.
The Floor Above (1914)
Character: Stephen Pryde
English sleuths Grace Burton and Stephen Pryde are in love, but when Stephen inherits wealth and a title, he does not tell Grace, fearing that she will stop loving him. Grace provides support for her sister Stella Ford, whose husband is frequently away on business trips, so Stephen, hoping to alleviate Grace's financial burden, pays all of Stella's debts and provides her with an allowance. When Grace learns of the arrangement, she is hurt that he did not confide in her. Stella lives in a building occupied by a wild crowd. In the flat above her lives Netta, who has numerous boyfriends, including Jerome, an older man, and Bartlett, a young fop. One evening, the rivals mistakenly enter Stella's apartment and in an ensuing fight, Jerome kills Bartlett.
The Thread of Destiny (1910)
Character: Estrada
The orphan girl of San Gabriel meets and is attracted by a Spanish stranger. The Spaniard is accused of cheating and set to be lynched, but is saved by the girl's ruse, who later becomes his bride.
In Old Kentucky (1909)
Character: Robert, the Confederate son
Brothers George and Robert enlist on opposite sides in the Civil War. Robert is captured as a spy for the South, but escapes and hides in his parents' house. George leads the search party, but doesn't reveal his brother's hiding place, and Robert escapes. After the war, George is a hero and Robert is down on his luck. George cautiously welcomes him back into the family home.
Rose o' Salem Town (1910)
Character: The Trapper
A young girl living in Salem attracts the attentions of The Puritan. After he's brushed off by the girl, he becomes furious and desiring revenge, declares to a council of elders that the girl and her mother are witches.
Two Men of the Desert (1913)
Character: First Partner
The young authoress had come to the edge of the desert for her mother's sake. There she met the two young prospectors and a romance began. But the men were about to go across the desert, where they had heard rumors of gold. They decided to play square and before going determined to let the coin decide who should ask the young authoress the all-important question. The flip of the coin decided the older should try his luck first. He learned the girl did not love him. But the other she promised to marry when he should return from the gold lands, and the care of her sick mother, who would then be restored to health, should no longer interfere with her happiness. The young partners soon reached the other side of the desert, where success came to them far beyond their expectations.
The Burglar’s Dilemma (1912)
Character: The Householder's Weakling Brother
In this latter day Cain and Abel story, a jealous brother strikes down his sibling just as a young burglar is about to enter the house. The jealous brother summons police, who then charge the intruder with murder.
A Strange Meeting (1909)
Character: A Thief
Mary Rollins is torn between selfish depravity and righteous living. After she's coerced into helping with the burglary of her minister's apartment, she comes face to face with her misdeeds.
The House with Closed Shutters (1910)
Character: Charles Randolph - The Confederate Soldier
During the Civil War a young soldier loses his nerve in battle and runs away to his home to hide; his sister puts on his uniform, takes her brother's place in the battle, and is killed. Their mother, not wanting the shameful truth to become known, closes all the shutters (hence the film's title) and keeps her son's presence a secret for many years, though two boyhood chums stumble upon the truth...
In the Border States (1910)
Character: Confederate Corporal
During the Civil War, a father living in a border state leaves to join the Union Army. After he leaves, Confederate troops forage on his property, where a soldier encounters one of his daughters. The father himself is wounded on a hazardous mission and must run for his life, pursued by Confederate soldiers.
The Unknown Soldier (1926)
Character: John Phillips
The Unknown Soldier is a 1926 American silent drama film directed by Renaud Hoffman and written by Richard Schayer and James J. Tynan. The film stars Charles Emmett Mack, Marguerite De La Motte, Henry B. Walthall, Claire McDowell, and George Cooper. The film was released on May 30, 1926, by Producers Distributing Corporation.
The Misleading Lady (1916)
Character: Jack Craiger
Helen Steele, who has theatrical aspirations, has been told by Sidney Parker that, owing to her lack of stage experience he cannot entertain her proposition of giving her the leading part in his new production, "The Siren." Believing that she can get Parker to consent if she is persuasive enough, Helen has her fiancé, Henry Tracey, invite the theatrical manager to the party to be given by John W. Cannell so that she may work upon him. At the affair Helen manages to obtain Parker's consent to give her a trial it she is successful in having Jack Craigen, a friend of Cannell, who has been living in Patagonia for a long time and who is a woman hater, propose to her.
Strongheart (1914)
Character: Soangataha / Strongheart
STRONGHEART (1914) is a Native American Indian drama. Based on a famous play of the time, the film features an all-star cast. Originally five reels, the film was reissued at three reels in 1916.
Her Forgotten Past (1933)
Character: Mr. Maynard
A compulsive gambler, thought to have been killed in an automobile crash, reappears when his wife remarries.
Freedom of the Press (1928)
Character: John Ballard
When a newspaper owner is murdered, his son takes over his crusade against a corrupt politician with criminal associations.
Everybody's Acting (1926)
Character: Thorpe
Doris Poole, whose parents were theatrical people, was orphaned as a child, and four members of the troupe adopted and raised her. When grown, she has become the leading lady in a San Francisco stock-company. She meets and falls in love with Ted, the millionaire son of a rich widow, but she thinks he is only a tax-cab driver. His mother objects to the romance and looks into Doris' past. She learns that her father had murdered, in a fit of jealousy, her mother, and tells Doris what she has found out. The four actors who had raised her had never told her how she happened to become an orphan. They persuade Ted's mother to send him on a voyage to the Orient in order to get him away from Doris. But they neglected to tell the mother they had also booked passage for Doris on the same ship.
The Love Trader (1930)
Character: Captain Adams
A woman, raised in the most-strict New England atmosphere, marries a stern, God-fearing sea captain and is thrown suddenly into the romantic, colorful and licentious atmosphere of a South Sea island outpost. With her inhibitions and repressed desires what will be her reaction to the charms of the sensuous of the beautiful tropic nights and the call of love?
In Old California (1910)
Character: Perdita's Son
An historical dramatization of a Spanish woman during the reign of Spanish and Mexican owned California in the early 19th century.
The Oath and the Man (1910)
Character: Henri Prevost
A rich nobleman steals a perfume merchant's wife just prior to the French Revolution, in which the perfumer is a leader of the peasants. His priest made him swear an oath to leave vengeance to God, however.
Wilful Peggy (1910)
Character: The Lord
Peggy is a high-spirited young woman from a poor family. One day she catches the eye of a wealthy lord, who proposes marriage and wants to introduce her into his social circle. But complications arise when the lord's nephew also becomes attracted to Peggy.
The Battle at Elderbush Gulch (1913)
Character: The Indian Chief's Son
Two young girls are sent away to live with their uncle, which sets off a chain of events resulting in an Indian attack on the town.
Blaze o' Glory (1929)
Character: Burke
On trial for the murder of Carl Hummel, Eddie Williams tells his story, which begins just before the World War
The Flaming Signal (1933)
Character: Rev. Mr. James
A pilot and his dog crash-land on an island run by a psycho who owns a motel--and most of the locals.
Chandu the Magician (1932)
Character: Robert Regent
When delusional madman Roxor kidnaps a scientist in hopes of using his death ray to achieve world dominance, he is opposed by Chandu, a powerful hypnotist and yogi.
The Mine with the Iron Door (1936)
Character: David Burton
Having acquired the controlling interest in the Eureka Discovery Corporation for five-hundred dollars, and selling half of it to a detective for two-hundred dollars, Bob Harvey sets off with his new partner to find the buried treasure of San Capello---with very strange consequences.
The Sealed Room (1909)
Character: The Minstrel
The Count sets out to make a private room for him and his Countess, built in such a way no one can see, hear, and most importantly, disturb them. But unbeknownst to the Count, his wife has set her eyes on the court minstrel. Based on Edgar Allan Poe's “The Cask of Amontillado” and Honoré de Balzac's “La Grande Breteche”.
The Little Darling (1909)
Character: In Boarding House
This might be termed a comedy of errors, for the overzealousness of a lot of good-hearted simple folks places them in a rather embarrassing position. Lillie Green, who keeps a boarding house, receives a letter from her old school chum, Polly Brown, whom sin hasn't seen in years, to the effect that as Lillie has never seen her little darling daughter, she will send her for a few days' visit, asking that someone meet the child at the 3:40 train. Lillie's boarders are a bunch of kind-hearted bachelors, who at once prepare to give the "Little Darling" the time of her life, buying a load of toys, etc., for her amusement, also procuring a baby carriage with which to meet her at the train. You may imagine their embarrassment when they find that Tootsie, instead of being a baby, proves to be a handsome young lady of seventeen, whose tastes run rather to garden gates, shady lanes and quiet nooks, than toys. (Moving Picture World)
The Golden Bed (1925)
Character: Col. Peake
Femme fatale Flora marries a titled European to save the family planation. Her husband and a rival fall to their deaths in a glacier. Next Flora weds her sister Margaret's love Admah. She bleeds him dry, until he goes to prison.
A Corner in Wheat (1909)
Character: Wheat King's Assistant
On a whim, a greedy tycoon decides to corner the world market in wheat. This doubles the price of bread, forcing grain producers into charity lines and others further into poverty. The film contrasts the differences between the lives of those who work to grow the wheat and the life of the man who dabbles in its sale for profit.
The Birth of a Nation (1915)
Character: Col. Ben Cameron
Two families, abolitionist Northerners the Stonemans and Southern landowners the Camerons, intertwine. When Confederate colonel Ben Cameron is captured in battle, nurse Elsie Stoneman petitions for his pardon. In Reconstruction-era South Carolina, Cameron founds the Ku Klux Klan, battling Elsie's congressman father and his African-American protégé, Silas Lynch.
The Girl Who Wouldn't Work (1925)
Character: William Hale
Mary Hale hates her job in a department store, and when wealthy Gordon Kent comes around, she flirts with him and is fired. Because she is mad at her fiancé, William Norworth, Mary takes off in Kent's car and she doesn't come home until the early hours. Her father is furious and slaps her, so she leaves home. Kent offers to let her stay in his apartment, while he sleeps at the club.
So Near, Yet So Far (1912)
Character: In Club
It's love at first sight for the Boy, but obstacles-- namely shyness, and the temerity of other suitors-- place themselves in the way of his love. Unknowingly, the Boy and the young woman of his fancy both stay at the home of mutual friends-- But all is not well, as robbers lurk outside the house.
Klondike (1932)
Character: Mark Armstrong
Dr. Robert Cromwell performs a delicate operation, that has never been done before, and the patient dies. Charged with malpractice and manslaughter, his trial is national news but the jury acquits him. But the court of public opinion is still against him, and the medical board is meeting to decide whether or not to take his medical license away from him. Before they do, Cromwell, an amateur pilot, decides to join his friend, WWI Ace Donald Evans, on a flight to Alaska looking for a shorter route to Japan by following the Aleutian Islands. They crash in Alaska and Evans is killed, but Cromwell is rescued by a fur trapper named Tom Ross. He takes Cromwell to Armstrong's Trading Post, where is is nursed back to health by Klondike, a girl who works for Armstrong, and was engaged to marry Armstrong's son Jim. The latter is suffering from the same disease that Cromwell's last patient had...
Beggars in Ermine (1934)
Character: Marchant the Blind Man
John Dawson loses control of his factory when he is crippled in an accident caused by a rival. Destitute, he travels the country organizing the homeless to help him regain control of his steel mill.
42nd Street (1933)
Character: Stage Actor (uncredited)
A producer puts on what may be his last Broadway show, and at the last moment a chorus girl has to replace the star.
The Sheriff's Baby (1913)
Character: First Bandit
After the death of his wife the baby was all the sheriff had left, the promise of hope in the future, and the reflection of all that was dear in the past. But a sheriff has no time to tread a cradle rocker, so the baby started off on the long journey to relatives across the desert. Then the sheriff was called away to hunt the "bad men" of the desert, and found there a deserted prairie schooner, the occupants dead and his baby gone.
The Lemon Drop Kid (1934)
Character: Jonas Deering
The Lemon Drop Kid is a fast-talking racetrack bum who swindles $100 from an old, ailing man. He takes it on the lam with his sidekick, The Professor.
Rescued from an Eagle's Nest (1908)
Character: Woodsman
A woodsman leaves a hut followed by a woman with their baby. Nearby some men chop down a tree. The baby is left outside the hut, but an eagle flies away with it.
Judith of Bethulia (1914)
Character: Holofernes
Griffith adapts the story of the Apocryphal Book of Judith to the screen. During the siege of the Jewish city of Bethulia by the Assyrian tyrant Holofernes, a widow named Judith forms a plan to stop the war as her people suffer in starvation, nearly ready to surrender.
The Barrier (1926)
Character: Gale Gaylord
Years after Alaskan storekeeper Gale had rescued his ward Necia from Bennett, her murderous sea-captain father, Bennett shows up seeking his daughter -- and revenge.
Ride Him, Cowboy (1932)
Character: John Gaunt
John Drury saves Duke, a wild horse accused of murder, and trains him. When he discovers that the real murderer, a bad guy known as The Hawk, is the town's leading citizen, Drury arrested on a fraudulent charge.
From Headquarters (1929)
Character: Buffalo Bill Ryan
United States Marine Corps Captain "Happy" Smith and Gunnery Sergeant Wilmer lead a squadron of Marines in a search of a party of American tourists lost in a Central America banana republic jungle.
Anybody's Blonde (1931)
Character: Mr. Evans
When a boxer is murdered a newspaper reporter tries to frame the boxer's sister, a nightclub owner, for the crime.
The Raven (1915)
Character: Edgar Allan Poe
After a brief view of Edgar Allan Poe's family background, his grandfather, David Poe, Sr., an Irish immigrant to America, and his father, David Poe, Jr., the poet's life is depicted from the death of his mother and his subsequent adoption by John Allan, to his own tortured death in 1849. Expelled from the University of Virginia for incurring too many debts, Poe nonetheless courts and marries Virginia Clemm but is disowned by his foster father. While residing in Fordham, New York, Poe tries to earn a living as a writer but meets with little financial success. Overwhelmed by their impoverished state, Virginia dies and Poe sinks into a profound depression. Always a victim of alcohol and subject to hallucinations, Poe first imagines that his neighbor, Helen Whitman, is Virginia, then plunges himself into an elaborate delusion in which his wife's spirit, various other spectres and a raven finally drive him to his own death.
London After Midnight (2002)
Character: Sir James Hamlin (archive footage)
A reconstruction, made from still photographs, of the lost 1927 Tod Browning film London After Midnight (1927) starring Lon Chaney.
City Park (1934)
Character: Colonel Henry Randolph Ransome
The old men meet a young girl, broke, hungry and discouraged, in the park. Colonel Henry Randolph Ransome (Henry B. Walthall) bluffs his way into obtaining enough money to support the welfare of the girl,Rose Wentworth (Sally Blane), and his two cronies. He sends for the girl's former sweetheart, who turns out to be a crook.
The False Faces (1919)
Character: Michael Lanyard
During World War I, a professional thief known as The Lone Wolf is assigned to steal a cylinder with important information from behind the German lines and bring it to Allied intelligence headquarters. However, German agents set out to stop him, headed by the man who was responsible for the death of the thief's sister.
Strange Interlude (1932)
Character: Professor Leeds
After Nina Leeds finds out that insanity runs in her husband's family, she has a love child with a handsome doctor and lets her husband believes the child is his.
Hold Your Man (1933)
Character: Clergyman in Alternate Version (uncredited)
Ruby falls in love with small-time con man Eddie. During a botched blackmail scheme, Eddie accidentally kills the man they were setting up. Eddie takes off and Ruby is sent to a reformatory for two years.
A Splendid Hazard (1920)
Character: Karl Breitman
Karl Breitman, obsessed with the notion that he is a descendant of Napoleon, is driven to restore the monarchy in France. To accomplish this, he courts Hedda Gobert, who, he has learned, possesses Napoleon's papers. Upon winning Hedda, Breitman steals the documents, which lead him to America and the home of Admiral Killigrew where, the papers allege, the emperor's hidden wealth resides.
Kentucky Pride (1925)
Character: Mr. Beaumont
This rare John Ford silent is a charming, sweetly sentimental tale of the relationship between humans and animals told largely from the point of view of a racehorse who observes as her breeder (Henry B. Walthall) is forced to sell her when he loses everything in a poker game. Several of the era’s most famous racehorses make appearances, including the legendary champion thoroughbred Man o’ War.
Temple Tower (1930)
Character: Blackton
The film depicts the character of Bulldog Drummond, a British adventurer and is based on the novel Temple Tower by Herman Cyril McNeile. Bulldog Drummond goes up against a group of jewel thieves led by Blackton and a Masked Strangler they double-crossed who wants revenge.
The Long Arm of Mannister (1919)
Character: George Mannister
Walking aimlessly in the desert, crazed by thirst and hunger, Lucy Mannister and Gaston Sinclair are overtaken by her husband George, who has pursued them around the world.
A Feud in the Kentucky Hills (1912)
Character: A Psalm Singer
The two brothers and their adopted daughter of the household grew up from childhood together. The girl and the younger brother were childhood sweethearts. His elder brother was considered the bad man and dead shot of the hills. The younger brother has been living in the valley for a long time and returns home to his family. He is now refined, educated, and, of course, a revelation to the little girl, who, though betrothed to the elder brother, is strongly attracted by him. Hence there is a renewal of childhood affection which the elder brother does not take kindly to.
Oil and Water (1913)
Character: The Idealist
A stage dancer (Sweet) and a serious-type homebody (Walthall) discover, after marriage, that their individual styles don't mesh. The movie includes elaborate dance sequences.
Men in White (1934)
Character: enry B. Walthall
A dedicated young doctor places his patients above everyone else in his life. Unfortunately, his social register fianceé can't accept the fact that he considers an appointment in the operating room more important than attending a cocktail party. He soon drifts into an affair with a pretty nurse who shares his passion for healing.
The Avenging Conscience (1914)
Character: The Nephew
Thwarted by his despotic uncle from continuing his love affair, a young man's thoughts turn dark as he dwells on ways to deal with his uncle. Becoming convinced that murder is merely a natural part of life, he kills his uncle and hides the body. However, the man's conscience awakens; paranoia sets in and nightmarish visions begin to haunt him.
London After Midnight (1927)
Character: Sir James Hamlin
The abandoned Balfour House, the owner of which was found dead five years earlier, comes back to life with the arrival of two suspicious sinister-looking tenants. This film was lost in the 1965 MGM vault fire; only a few stills exist.
Love Me and the World Is Mine (1927)
Character: Van Denbosch
In Old Vienna in the days prior to The Great War, a beautiful woman, Hannerl, has her choice of two men; the first is a dashing young army officer who can provide blazing romance and little long-time security. The other is an older man, influential in the affairs of Austria, who could provide wealth...and tender devotion. Hannerl thinks about it.
The Wolf Dog (1933)
Character: Jim Courtney
The story of a boy, a dog, and a man. The boy discovers he is heir to a shipping line, and travels to Los Angeles, accompanied by inventor/radio operator Bob Whitlock and Irene Blaine. Their journey is aided by Pal, a wolf dog.
Three Friends (1913)
Character: The Husband
Each night, after the day's work at the factory, the three bachelor friends met and declared anew their attachment over a social glass. They bound themselves to remain thus as long as life might last, never to marry. But one was a traitor, while the other two were called away. A widened breach, a quarrel, fanned the resentment, but true friendship at last claimed its own.
The Garden Murder Case (1936)
Character: Dr. Garden
Detective Philo Vance is in charge of the investigation of several mysterious murders. Things take a turn when he gathers evidence against Major Fenwicke-Ralston.
The Great Love (1918)
Character: Sir Roger Brighton
Jim Young of Youngstown, Pennsylvania, reads of the German war atrocities and decides to enlist in the British army, thus becoming a forerunner of the American forces that are subsequently to leave for the battlefields of Europe. He begins active training at a camp outside London. While enjoying a few hours of leave, he meets Susie Broadplains , a young woman from Australia. She is flattered by his attentions and their friendship soon blossoms into love.
However German plotters plan to destroy an arsenal at night and Sir Roger is inveigled into driving an automobile along a London road with its lights turned skyward to guide the Zeppelins. Jim, wounded and home on furlough, detects Sir Roger on the lonely road, follows and traps him in his cottage. Sir Roger turns his pistol on himself rather than be taken alive. Susie finds the "great love" in service for the cause of democracy and her country, with a greater love in sight.
Speakeasy (1929)
Character: Piano player
Newspaper staffer Alice Woods persuades the editor to allow her to chase a story, that of prizefight contender Martin, who is about to fight for the championship. However, he does not know that his manager is preparing to double-cross him.
A Girl of the Limberlost (1934)
Character: Dr. Amon
Elnora Comstock is the badly abused daughter of Katherine Comstock, who blames her because her father was drowned while on the way home the night she was born. She finds her comfort with Margaret and Westley Sinton, a childless neighboring couple, who help her with her school costs, as does the wealthy Mrs. Parker, who takes an interest in the talented young girl. She meets and falls in love with Phillip Ammon, the nephew of Dr. Ammon, but learns that he is already engaged. The money that Elnora has saved for her college education is stolen, and when Mrs. Comstock goes to retrieve it from a suspect, she also learns of the duplicity of her husband, who had been courting a neighboring woman on the night he drowned. She begs forgiveness of Elnora, and the romance of Elnora and Phillip also begins to flourish.
Ghosts (1915)
Character: Captain Alving / Oswald
Helen Alving leads an outwardly contented life. On the eve of the 10th anniversary of her husband's death, she is about to open an orphanage as a memorial to him. To mark this occasion, her bohemian painter son Oswald has returned from Paris. Helen plans to take the opportunity to tell Oswald the truth about his father. But ghosts of the past erupt during an eventful evening, bringing the facade of civilised family life crashing down.
Somewhere in Sonora (1933)
Character: Bob Leadly
John Bishop discovers a plot to rob a silver mine belonging to his girlfriend Mary's father and, to foil the evildoers, he joins them.
Ramona (1910)
Character: Alessandro
Ramona, residing on her wealthy Spanish adoptive mother's rancho in California, falls in love with the Indian Alessandro. When Ramona is denied permission to marry Alessandro, the lovers elope, only to find a life of great hardship and unhappiness amidst the greed and injustice of the white landowners.
The Sin of Nora Moran (1933)
Character: Father Ryan
Nora Moran, a young woman with a difficult and tragic past, is sentenced to die for a murder that she did not commit. She could easily reveal the truth and save her own life, if only it would not damage the lives, careers and reputations of those whom she loves.
1776, or The Hessian Renegades (1909)
Character: N/A
During the American Revolution, a young soldier carrying a crucial message to General Washington is spotted and pursued by a group of enemy soldiers. He takes refuge with a civilian family, but is soon detected. The family and their neighbors must then make plans to see that the important message gets through after all.
Hearts in Bondage (1936)
Character: Capt. Buchanan
Best friends Kenneth Reynolds and Raymond Jordan are U.S. Navy officers, and Kenneth is engaged to Raymond's sister. But the eruption of the Civil War divides them, as Raymond stands by his native Virginia while Kenneth remains on duty as a Northern officer. Kenneth's uncle, John Ericsson, designs a new kind of ship, an ironclad he calls the Monitor. Eventually the war pits Kenneth, on board the Monitor, against his friend Raymond, serving aboard the South's own ironclad, the Merrimac (as it is called here). A naval battle ensues, one that will go down in history.
Friends (1912)
Character: Dandy Jack
The orphan Dora is courted by two different gold miners.
Boy of Mine (1923)
Character: William Latimer
A wealthy banker is a strict disciplinarian with his nine-year-old son Bill. Finally the day comes when neither Bill nor his mother can put up any more with the father's relentlessness and heavy-handed treatment; she leaves and takes Bill with her. The father must decide what's more important--maintaining his iron discipline over his family, or his family itself.
Me and My Gal (1932)
Character: Sarge
Jaunty young policeman Danny Dolan falls in love with waterfront cafe waitress Helen Riley.
Death's Marathon (1913)
Character: The Husband
Two business partners pursue the same woman. She accepts the marriage proposal of the irresponsible partner, much to her later regret. He squanders money on gambling, as his interest in her gradually wanes. One day after losing the company money in a card game, he decides to commit suicide. He telephones his wife from the office, as he puts a revolver near his head. The wife tries to keep him talking while the reliable business partner races to the office in an attempt to save his old friend. Will he make it in time?
Dark Hazard (1934)
Character: Schultz
Jim is a compulsive gambler. He meets Marge at a boarding house and they get married. His gambling causes problems. When he runs into old flame Valerie Marge leaves him. After a few years he returns, but she is now in love with old flame Pres. Jim buys racing dog Dark Hazard and makes a fortune which he loses on roulette.
Stark Mad (1929)
Character: Capt. Rhodes - Yacht Commander
An expedition sets out through the jungle to find a missing explorer, but stumbles upon an ancient Mayan temple that houses a giant ape.
Getting Even (1909)
Character: Miner
All the young men in the mining camp flirt with Lucy. Bud, the youngest of them, doesn't stand a chance. At a dance, Bud dresses as a woman and all the men flirt with him and abandon Lucy. When his disguise is revealed, the other men are too embarrassed to approach Lucy, and Bud dances the rest of the night with her.
A Trap for Santa Claus (1909)
Character: Arthur Rogers (uncredited)
The children of a household attempt to capture Santa, but they catch something else entirely.
The Plastic Age (1925)
Character: Henry Carver
Hugh Carver is an athletic star and a freshman at Prescott College. He falls in love with Cynthia Day, a popular girl who loves to party, and finds that it's impossible to please her and still keep up with his studies and athletic training. Soon the two face some difficult decisions.
My Baby (1912)
Character: The Husband
When the double wedding takes two daughters away from the old man at once, the youngest, now the only one left, in outraged spirit promises never to leave her father, but soon she too is departing for a new home. Then comes a cold hard fact of life. The son-in-law claims his right to make a home alone for his wife. In his bitterness and anger, the father denies them both the house. Several years later the lonely old man meets at the gate a babe in arms. When he learns whose baby it is, heart hunger craves another sight, and sought, brings with it the only natural result.
The Kickback (1922)
Character: Aaron Price
A silent Western about a rough rider, that winds up in jail and the adventure begins.
Police Court (1932)
Character: Nathaniel "Nat" Barry
A once great stage and screen actor has fallen from fame because of his alcoholism; his young son is determined to see his father "make good" again.
The Last Outlaw (1936)
Character: Cal Yates
After serving 25 years in prison for robbery, Dean Payton returns to his home town to see his daughter, Sally, who is unaware he is her father. He befriends Cal Yates, the now semi-retired assistant sheriff who originally caught him, and Chuck Wilson, a young rancher who has eyes for Sally. Wanted criminal Al Goss holds up the local bank and makes his getaway, taking Sally hostage. Showing he still has what it takes, Payton, along with Yates and Wilson, take off into the hills on horseback to try to track Goss down. - Written by Doug Sederberg
Self Defense (1932)
Character: Doctor Borden
Katy Devoux runs a gambling-drinking joint in British Columbia. She is a fair-playing business woman, but is ashamed of the source of her income, so she has had her daughter Nona raised in the states. Jeff Bowman, an unprincipled scoundrel and business rival, arranges for her daughter to come to town in hope of bringing shame to the mother. He overplays his hand and is killed by Tim Reed, a faithful retainer of Katy's and in love with Nona. The plea is self defense.
The Face on the Barroom Floor (1923)
Character: Robert Stevens
As a derelict paints the face of a girl on a barroom floor, the plot is developed in a series of flashbacks: Robert Stevens, an artist engaged to marry Marion, a society girl, becomes charmed with a fisherman's daughter who poses for him. The society girl's brother brings dishonor upon the fisherman's daughter, and when she commits suicide the artist shields the brother. Stevens is blamed by his fiancée, who terminates their engagement. The artist becomes a derelict and is wrongfully imprisoned. Eventually Stevens is exonerated and reunited with Marion.
Headline Shooter (1933)
Character: Judge Beacon (uncredited)
A newsreel photographer neglects his love life to get the perfect shot.
The Whispering Shadow (1933)
Character: J. D. Bradley
A mysterious criminal known as The Whispering Shadow commits crimes by means of a gang he controls by television and radio rays. Jack Norton, whose brother was murdered by The Whispering Shadow, suspects that the eerie Professor Strang - whose ghostly wax museum contains figures far too lifelike - may be involved in the crimes.
They Would Elope (1909)
Character: N/A
Two lovers elope and expect to be pursued by her father. But the clever father has tricked them into running off, and celebrates their wedding when they return home.
The Scarlet Letter (1927)
Character: Roger Prynne aka Roger Chillingworth
In Puritan Boston, seamstress Hester Prynne and kindly Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale fall in love. After Dimmesdale must go away for a time to England, he returns to discover that Hester has given birth to their child and is the focus of local censure.
The Lady and the Mouse (1913)
Character: The First Rival
The question is, would the young tramp really have fallen in love with the groceryman's daughter if he had not caught her in the heart struggle? Be that as it may, she could not find it in her to drown the unwelcome visitor to the pantry, so she let it go and the silent little drama witnessed by the tramp greatly impressed him. Not so the strict aunt, she declared the whole thing to be in exact accordance with everything else in the family. Their hearts ran away with their heads. That was why they lost money on credit, could not pay off the mortgage and send the sick sister to a better climate. As for the tramp, they had no business to take him in. He could not pay for his keep. But the tramp surprised them all.
Central Park (1932)
Character: Eby
Two destitute New Yorkers meet cute in Central Park and then separate and independently get tangled up with some gangsters only to be reunited again in the end.
Flower of the North (1921)
Character: Philip Whitemore
Two men, Philip Whittemore (Henry B. Walthall) and Thorpe (Harry Northrup) both go to the Northwest to gain the right-of-way for their railroad company from D'Arcambal (Emmett King). Whittemore arrives first and D'Arcambal refuses to meet with him until he saves his daughter, Jeanne (Pauline Starke) from going over the rapids. Then Thorpe arrives and tries to use force by kidnapping Jeanne and insisting that he is her father.
The Trespasser (1929)
Character: Fuller
A stenographer who works for a lawyer falls in love with and marries a wealthy young man. His family has the marraige annulled, after which she gives birth to a child. Her former boss helps her out to ensure the child's welfare, which starts gossip that she is a "kept woman."
Dante's Inferno (1935)
Character: Pop McWade
A carny builds a gambling empire at the expense of his family's wellbeing.
A Tale of Two Cities (1935)
Character: Dr. Manette
The exciting story of Dr. Manette, who escapes the horrors of the infamous Bastille prison in Paris. The action switches between London and Paris on the eve of the revolution where we witness 'the best of times and the worst of times' - love, hope, the uncaring French Aristocrats and the terror of a revolutionary citizen's army intent on exacting revenge.
Tol'able David (1930)
Character: Amos Hatburn
Tol'able David is a 1930 sound film directed by John G. Blystone and produced and released by Columbia Pictures. It is a remake of a famous 1921 silent film Tol'able David starring Richard Barthelmess and Ernest Torrence. Young David Kinemon is a good-natured, easy-going lad in a mountain village. Circumstances force him to take his brother's place as mailman for the community, and this brings him into deadly contact with the vicious Hatburn brothers.
One Clear Call (1922)
Character: Henry Garnett
An outcast who runs a road house of ill repute leads his mother to believe him dead. His only friend, a doctor, falls for a married woman.
Hotel Continental (1932)
Character: Winthrop
Scheduled for demolition, Hotel Continental has seen 50 years of romance, intrigue, and tragedy. The last night attracts many nostalgic patrons, including a gangster planning to grab the loot that he hid there many years ago.
The Long Chance (1922)
Character: Harley P. Hennage
Harley P. Hennage, town gambler, takes under his protection Dana Corbaly when her widowed mother dies. He becomes suspicious of the motives of Bob McGraw, a young engineer who has come to town to investigate the mining claim of Dana's father, John Corbaly. But events reveal that he is only the tool of Corbaly's former partner, capitalist T. Morgan Carey.
The Devil-Doll (1936)
Character: Marcel
Wrongfully convicted of a robbery and murder, Paul Lavond breaks out of prison with a genius scientist who has devised a way to shrink humans. When the scientist dies during the escape, Lavond heads for his lab, using the shrinking technology to get even with those who framed him and vindicate himself in both the public eye and the eyes of his daughter, Lorraine. When an accident leaves a crazed assistant dead, however, Lavond must again make an escape.
Wings (1927)
Character: Mr. Armstrong
Two young men, one rich, one middle class, both in love with the same woman, become US Air Corps fighter pilots and, eventually, heroic flying aces during World War I. Devoted best friends, their mutual love of the girl eventually threatens their bond. Meanwhile, a hometown girl who's the lovestruck lifelong next door neighbor of one of them pines away.
The River of Romance (1929)
Character: General Jeff Rumford
Mississippi, 1830's. Tom Rumsford comes back to Magnolia Landing, his parents'estate. Having been brought up in the North by Quaker relatives, he just hates violence and accordingly refuses a duel. As this is the only way in the South to settle a dispute between gentlemen, Tom's father is so infuriated by his behavior that Tom has no other choice but leave. Away from Magnolia Landing, Tom learns bravery and returns seven years later as "the notorious Colonel Blake", the terror of the Lower Mississippi.
Judge Priest (1934)
Character: Reverend Ashby Brand
Judge Priest, a proud Confederate veteran, restores the justice in a small town in the Post-Bellum Kentucky using his common sense and his great sense of humanity.
The Scarlet Letter (1934)
Character: Roger Chillingworth
In the seventeenth century, in Massachusetts, a young woman is forced to wear a scarlet "A" on her dress for bearing a child out of wedlock.
Abraham Lincoln (1930)
Character: Colonel Marshall
A biopic dramatizing Abraham Lincoln's life through a series of vignettes depicting its defining chapters: his romance with Ann Rutledge; his early years as a country lawyer; his marriage to Mary Todd; his debates with Stephen A. Douglas; the election of 1860; his presidency during the Civil War; and his assassination in Ford’s Theater in 1865.
The Informer (1912)
Character: The False Brother
The young lover leaving home at the opening of the war to join the Confederate Army, tells his brother to take care of his fatherless sweetheart during the perilous times which are to follow. But the brother weakens and fails to be true to his trust. He permits her to believe that her lover is dead. Caught in the neighborhood, however, between the lines of the enemy, the brother appears before them at the crucial moment. In retaliation the false brother turns informer. Both forces are aroused to arms and during the attack upon the girl defending her wounded lover and family alone in the negro's cabin retribution comes in the form of a stray bullet.
Alias Mary Smith (1932)
Character: Atwell
A young woman trying to obtain proof that a gangster committed a murder is befriended by a playboy who drinks just a bit too much.
The Unknown Purple (1923)
Character: Peter Marchmont / Victor Cromport
Inventor Peter Marchmont has discovered a purple light that renders the user invisible. On his release from prison, Marchmont, disguised as Victor Cromport, uses the light to revenge himself against his former wife, Jewel, and her partner, James Dawson, who framed him for theft. Making himself invisible, Marchmont gradually ruins Dawson. He so wins Jewel's confidence and love that she is willing to kill Dawson at Marchmont's request. Finally, Marchmont leaves the scheming couple to their own misery and marries Jewel's sister, Ruth Marsh.
China Clipper (1936)
Character: Dad Brunn
An aviator ignores skeptics to make the first commercial flight from San Francisco to China.
Home, Sweet Home (1914)
Character: John Howard Payne
John Howard Payne leaves home and begins a career in the theater. Despite encouragement from his mother and his sweetheart, Payne begins to lead a life of dissolute habits, and this soon leads to ruin and misery. In deep despair, he thinks of better days, and writes a song that later provides inspiration to several others in their own times of need.
Love Time (1934)
Character: Duke Johann von Hatzfeld
Newly arrived in the nineteenth century court of Emperor Francis 1st of Austria Countess Valerie happens to overhear a young pianist and advises him to play with more feeling, for he is playing a piece by Franz Schubert, her favorite composer. Unknown to Valerie, the man is Schubert, and he playfully keeps his identity a secret. Valerie visits Franz the next day, and he teaches her to play the violin part of a new song he has written, and she hopes for romance though he still longs for his lost love Caroline. But as a week passes, he forgets Caroline and returns Valerie's affections. When Franz is evicted, there is much tumult, but he is finally called to court where his music is celebrated, and Valerie and he are reunited.
Viva Villa! (1934)
Character: Francisco Madero
In this fictionalized biography, young Pancho Villa takes to the hills after killing an overseer in revenge for his father's death.
The Mended Lute (1909)
Character: Indian
In an Indian tribe, a girl escapes from her father and suitor to be with the man she loves.