Set in the 1990s in the competitive world of high school cheer-leading, Soula defies her father's dream for her to take over the family souvlaki business and finds herself chosen to lead her team to victory despite being a complete novice and far from the stereotypical cheerleader.
Movie tag line: "Tagline Not Available"
Production companies:
Character: Melody
Character: Coach Hunter
Character: Barry
Character: Louise
Character: Stacey
Character: Mr. Mitsos
Character: Taylor White
Character: Randy Berkowitz
Character: Tiffany
Character: Coach Green
Character: Mr. Papadopoulos
Character: Jimmy
Character: Molly Able
Character: Soula
Character: Harold
Character: Terry
Character: Gwen
Character: Sophie
Character: Mrs. Mitsos
Character: Solo Artist
Character: Dan
Character: Nana Look Alike
Character: Taylor's Date
Character: Keith's Cameraman aka Randy Cameraman
Character: Cashier
Character: CD Man
Character: Maitre D'
Character: Fisherman
Character: Steph
Character: Greek Girl
Character: Greek Man