Between Turin and Pisa unfolds the life of a socially and professionally successful university professor of law. Endowed with great intelligence and an elusive charm, the man and the professor lead a “withdrawn” existence that occasionally borders on the beds of casual lovers. Determined to control reality and keep it carefully at arm's length, he becomes involved despite himself in the suicide death of a student. The boy, obsessed with the professor's life, has painstakingly recorded his lectures, his behavior, his habits...
Movie tag line: "Tagline Not Available"
Production companies:
Character: L'uomo privato
Character: Silvia
Character: Ragazzo suicida
Character: Donna bruna
Character: Commissario
Character: Carlotta
Character: Giornalista
Character: Padre
Character: Ex amante
Character: Ingegnere
Character: Prima donna
Character: Ragazzo al convegno
Character: Ispettore Moretti
Character: Uomo C.d.A.
Character: Studente
Character: commessa