"Barbie" stars as Clara in this animated retelling of the classic Christmas ballet, complete with Tchaikovsky soundtrack and ballet choreography.
Movie tag line: "Tagline Not Available"
Production companies:
Character: Barbie / Clara (voice)
Character: Nutcracker / Prince Eric (voice)
Character: Mouse King (voice)
Character: Pimm (voice)
Character: Major Mint (voice)
Character: Captain Candy (voice)
Character: Grandfather Drosselmayer (voice)
Character: Aunt Drosselmayer / Owl (voice)
Character: Maid (voice)
Character: Tommy (voice)
Character: Kelly (voice)
Character: Peppermint Girl (voice)
Character: Gingerbread Boy (voice)
Character: Faeries (voice)
Character: New York City Ballet Dancer
Character: New York City Ballet Dancer
Character: New York City Ballet Dancer
Character: New York City Ballet Dancer
Character: New York City Ballet Dancer
Character: New York City Ballet Dancer