Still reeling from a heartbreaking family event and his parents' subsequent divorce, Tyler Hawkins discovers a fresh lease on life when he meets Ally Craig, a gregarious beauty who witnessed her mother's death. But as the couple draws closer, the fallout from their separate tragedies jeopardizes their love.
Movie tag line: "Live in the moments."
Production companies:
Character: Tyler Hawkins
Character: Ally Craig
Character: Charles Hawkins
Character: Diane Hirsch
Character: Neil Craig
Character: Caroline Hawkins
Character: Les Hirsch
Character: Aidan Hall
Character: Janine
Character: Leo
Character: Megan
Character: Michael Hawkins
Character: Miami Blonde
Character: Miami Brunette
Character: Mugger
Character: Taunting Classmate
Character: Taunting Classmate
Character: Police Chief
Character: Oak Room Waiter
Character: Mugger
Character: Toothbrush Girl
Character: Diner Waitress
Character: NYU Professor
Character: Uptight Mommy
Character: Musician
Character: Musician
Character: Queens Guy
Character: Queens Guy
Character: Queens Guy
Character: Queens Guy
Character: Escorting Officer
Character: Receptionist
Character: Aidan's Professor
Character: Indian Restaurant Waiter
Character: Carny Game Attendant
Character: Cab Driver
Character: Rookie Cop
Character: Business Associate
Character: Birthday Girl's Mom
Character: Caroline's Teacher
Character: Bailiff
Character: Ally's Girlfriend (uncredited)
Character: Young Interviewee (uncredited)
Character: Thug in Holding Cell (uncredited)
Character: Alyssa Craig's Mom (uncredited)
Character: Character Not Available