A middle-aged insurer, after spending a sleepless night because of a quarrel with his wife, goes to the pharmacy to buy a sleeping pill. By mistake, the doctor, instead of giving him a sedative, gives him poison. The man goes out of town to visit a client and, unaware that he is wanted by the police, is more than once about to swallow the pills; but every time an obstacle prevents him from fulfilling his purpose.
Movie tag line: "Tagline Not Available"
Production companies:
Character: Paolo Bancani
Character: Moglie di Bancani
Character: La ragazza
Character: La commessa della farmacia
Character: Cavalier Morini
Character: Ninna Nanna
Character: Commissario Antoni
Character: il consigliere legale delle assicurazioni
Character: La suocera di Bancani
Character: Alberto Belli
Character: Francesca
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available