In 1985, four middle-aged Yugoslav emigres return to Belgrade for the funeral of Mariana, their beautiful compatriot. They called her Esther, for Esther Williams, she was the coxswain for their four-man rowing team, and they each loved her. They'd last seen her in 1953, when they rowed her across the Adriatic, pregnant, to join her exiled father in Italy. In flashbacks we learn the story of their youthful baptism into sex, smoking, rock and roll (Hey Ba-ba-re-bop), Hollywood and Swedish films, blue jeans on the black market, and their rivalry with Ristic, the Communist Party youth leader for whom they had instant antipathy.
Movie tag line: "Tagline Not Available"
Production companies:
Character: Ester
Character: Glen
Character: Saša
Character: Kića
Character: Pop
Character: Rile
Character: Glen (stariji)
Character: Saša (stariji)
Character: Kića (stariji)
Character: Rile (stariji)
Character: Glenov otac
Character: Kićina majka
Character: Rada Švercerka
Character: Liza, Sašina baka
Character: Dr. Svetislav Popović, Popov otac
Character: Major Aleksa Živković, Esterin otac
Character: Viši policijski službenik
Character: Anđelković
Character: Tom, Džoov šef
Character: Profesorka srpskog jezika
Character: Policijski inspektor
Character: Veslač Partizana I
Character: Veslač Partizana II
Character: Policijski agent I
Character: Policijski agent II
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Character Not Available
Character: Šef policije (uncredited)