A gritty crime saga which follows the lives of an elite unit of the LA County Sheriff's Dept. and the state's most successful bank robbery crew as the outlaws plan a seemingly impossible heist on the Federal Reserve Bank.
Movie tag line: "You're not the bad guys. We are."
Production companies:
Character: Det. Nicholas O'Brien
Character: Debbie O'Brien
Character: Donnie Wilson
Character: Ray Merrimen
Character: Levi Enson Levoux
Character: Bo 'Bosco' Ostroman
Character: Mack
Character: Det. Benny 'Borracho' Magalon
Character: Det. Tony 'Z' Zapata
Character: Det. Gus Henderson
Character: Holly
Character: Ziggy Zerhusen
Character: Det. Murph Connors
Character: Bas
Character: Rolph Wolfgang
Character: Bank Hostage
Character: McKenna O'Brien
Character: Maloa
Character: Secret Service Lobby Guard #1
Character: St. Paulie Waitress (uncredited)
Character: Connor
Character: Hofbrau Bouncer
Character: Armored Car Driver (uncredited)
Character: Joseph
Character: Cassady O'Brien
Character: Bank Security Guard (uncredited)
Character: Lobbin' Bob