During World War II, hard-luck farmer Colvis Nevels leaves his rural Kentucky home to take a factory job in bustling Detroit. Reluctantly accompanying Colvis is his long-suffering wife, Gertie, a talented woodcarver set in her traditional ways. When the perils of city life and Colvis' reckless squandering of money send the Nevels into precarious financial straits, Gertie starts a business making hand-carved dolls in order to provide for her family.
Movie tag line: "Tagline Not Available"
Production companies:
Character: Gertie Nevels
Character: Clovis
Character: Mamie
Character: Sophronie
Character: Max
Character: Victor (as Bob Swan)
Character: Mrs. Kendrick
Character: Reuben
Character: Enoch
Character: Clytie
Character: Amos
Character: Cassie
Character: Joe
Character: Skyros
Character: Miss Vashinski
Character: Wheateye
Character: Taxi Driver
Character: Mr. Kendrick
Character: Old John Miller
Character: Bender
Character: Mrs. Hull
Character: Army Major
Character: Soldier
Character: Truck Driver
Character: Mrs. Bomarita
Character: Cooper (as Patrick Billingsley)
Character: Irish Neighbor
Character: Bubble Gum Boy
Character: Mrs. Saito
Character: School Girl (as Elizabeth Perez)
Character: GIlbert
Character: Jean-Claude
Character: Mr. Daly (uncredited)