Dead Hearts

Dead Hearts

Movie Budget: Not Disclosed
Rating Not Available (0)


Once upon a time, in a faraway forest bordered by an icy lake, there lived a witch who hated all mankind. She did not have a heart of her own, and without one, had been cursed to never know love. But having no heart, she was also made immortal , kept from death. Such was the witch's curse that she despised anyone whose heart still beat, and would kill whoever dared set foot in her forest. If she were ever able to love...She would lose her powers and become mortal once more.

Movie tag line: "Life without love is not worth living."

Production companies:

Cast & Crew

Samuel Hunt

Samuel Hunt

Character: John

Sara Maraffino

Sara Maraffino

Character: Ylva

Mercer Boffey

Mercer Boffey

Character: Thomas

Daniel Bernhardt

Daniel Bernhardt

Character: James

Christopher Poehls

Christopher Poehls

Character: Erik

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