A teenage boy, raised by a mother who considers herself psychic, takes a bullied kid into his group of violent misfits. As the group’s troubles escalate toward life-threatening situations, an inner voice awakens in the boy and, with the help of his mother and his new friend, he manages to find his own path.
Movie tag line: "Friends. Family. Sacrifice."
Production companies:
Character: Addi
Character: Balli
Character: Konni
Character: Siggi
Character: Helga
Character: Anna
Character: Hófí
Character: Hulda
Character: Fríða
Character: Símon
Character: Svenni
Character: Guðrún
Character: Danni Braindead
Character: Haukur
Character: Elísa
Character: Unnur
Character: Toni
Character: Jónas
Character: Reporter
Character: Investigating police officer
Character: Investigating police officer
Character: Boy at party
Character: Neighbour at party
Character: Toggi
Character: Kiddi
Character: Villi
Character: Karate coach
Character: Addi's teacher
Character: Addi's Social Worker
Character: Woman at party
Character: Boy at party 3