A comedy that follows the chaos that ensues when a meteor hits the Earth carrying alien life forms that give new meaning to the term "survival of the fittest." David Duchovny, Orlando Jones, Seann William Scott, and Julianne Moore are the only people standing between the aliens and world domination... which could be bad news for the Earth.
Movie tag line: "Coming to wipe that silly smile off your planet."
Production companies:
Character: Dr. Ira Kane
Character: Dr. Allison Reed, CDC
Character: Prof. Harry Phineas Block
Character: Wayne Grey
Character: General Russell Woodman
Character: Colonel Flemming
Character: Deke
Character: Danny
Character: Governor Lewis
Character: Cartwright
Character: Officer Johnson
Character: Denise
Character: Carla
Character: Nadine
Character: Jill Mason
Character: Student
Character: Judge Guilder
Character: Dr. Paulson
Character: Officer Drake
Character: Tommy
Character: Clare
Character: Nurse Tate
Character: Sheriff Long
Character: Customer
Character: Road Worker
Character: Student
Character: Lead Primate Creature (uncredited)
Character: Lt. Cryer