Based on the true life experiences of poet Jimmy Santiago Baca, the film focuses on half-brothers Paco and Cruz, and their bi-racial cousin Miklo. It opens in 1972, as the three are members of an East L.A. gang known as the "Vatos Locos", and the story focuses on how a violent crime and the influence of narcotics alter their lives. Miklo is incarcerated and sent to San Quentin, where he makes a "home" for himself. Cruz becomes an exceptional artist, but a heroin addiction overcomes him with tragic results. Paco becomes a cop and an enemy to his "carnal", Miklo.
Movie tag line: "An epic story of three brothers. Bound by blood. Divided by fate. Driven by destiny."
Production companies:
Character: Miklo
Character: Cruz
Character: Paco
Character: Montana
Character: Magic Mike
Character: Bonafide
Character: Red Ryder
Character: Popeye
Character: Wallace
Character: Chuey
Character: Frankie
Character: Big Al
Character: Lightning
Character: Carlos
Character: Dolores
Character: Ivan
Character: Geronimo
Character: Hollenbeck Captain
Character: Montana's Daughter
Character: Coolaide
Character: Rollie McCann
Character: Carmen
Character: Prison Librarian
Character: Mano
Character: Sgt. Devereaux
Character: Realthing
Character: Gill
Character: Gato
Character: Pockets
Character: Cyclone
Character: Smokey
Character: Juanito
Character: Lupe
Character: Spider
Character: Janis
Character: Chivo
Character: Alicia
Character: Victoria
Character: Cruz's Grandfather
Character: Luisa
Character: Clavo
Character: Apache
Character: Freddy
Character: Perla
Character: Belinda
Character: Jared Levinson
Character: Lois Levinson
Character: Gallery Assistant
Character: Gilbert
Character: Frank Velka
Character: Salesman
Character: Councilman Snyder
Character: Surgeon
Character: Street Kid
Character: Priest
Character: Joker
Character: Joker's Girl
Character: Transvestite #1
Character: Transvestite #2
Character: Con
Character: Old Con
Character: Parole Board Member
Character: Prison Escort
Character: AV Inmate
Character: Delano Guard
Character: Landlady
Character: Newscaster
Character: Officer Young
Character: PCP Kid
Character: Mother of PCP Kid
Character: Doctor to PCP Kid
Character: PCP Intern
Character: Tres Puntos Gangmember
Character: Vatos Locos
Character: Vatos Locos
Character: Prisoner (uncredited)
Character: Girl (uncredited)
Character: Prison Guard (uncredited)
Character: Vatos Locos (uncredited)
Character: Prisoner