Steamroller Studios Sets Foot in British Columbia: A Bold New Expansion!

Steamroller Studios, a beacon of creativity and innovation in animation, is on an exciting new chapter with its expansion to Vancouver, British Columbia. With a team that’s growing in leaps and bounds, currently counting 18 talented remote workers with aims to hit the 35 mark by June, the studio showcases a vibrant future. While they navigate this expansion without a physical office for now—mindful of industry trends and the aftereffects of recent Hollywood strikes—there’s a palpable sense of optimism in their approach. This strategic move is not just about increasing numbers; it’s a thoughtful step towards harnessing Canadian talent and bolstering relationships with clients in the region.

What stands out about Steamroller Studios isn’t just their impressive client list, which includes industry giants like Sony and Blizzard Entertainment. It’s their holistic approach to animation and VFX, now extending to real-time pipelines leveraging Unreal Engine for a ‘one-stop-shop’ client experience. Spicing up their portfolio is the development of their own IPs, with projects like Spice Frontier promising to showcase their storytelling and animation prowess. This expansion is more than a geographical one; it’s a leap towards creative excellence and a testament to their commitment to growing alongside their talent and clientele. The studio’s journey, marked by strategic growth and creative exploration, is an inspiring tale for anyone passionate about the animation landscape.

Source: Animation World Network

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